Search Results for author: Benjamin Renoust

Found 10 papers, 1 papers with code

Built Year Prediction from Buddha Face with Heterogeneous Labels

no code implementations2 Sep 2021 Yiming Qian, Cheikh Brahim El Vaigh, Yuta Nakashima, Benjamin Renoust, Hajime Nagahara, Yutaka Fujioka

Buddha statues are a part of human culture, especially of the Asia area, and they have been alongside human civilisation for more than 2, 000 years.

Cultural Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Constructing a Public Meeting Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2020 Koji Tanaka, Chenhui Chu, Haolin Ren, Benjamin Renoust, Yuta Nakashima, Noriko Takemura, Hajime Nagahara, Takao Fujikawa

In this paper, we propose a full pipeline of analysis of a large corpus about a century of public meeting in historical Australian news papers, from construction to visual exploration.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Movienet: A Movie Multilayer Network Model using Visual and Textual Semantic Cues

no code implementations18 Oct 2019 Youssef Mourchid, Benjamin Renoust, Olivier Roupin, Le Van, Hocine Cherifi, Mohammed El Hassouni

Motivated by these limitations, we introduce in this work a multilayer network model to capture the narration of a movie based on its script, its subtitles, and the movie content.

BUDA.ART: A Multimodal Content-Based Analysis and Retrieval System for Buddha Statues

no code implementations17 Sep 2019 Benjamin Renoust, Matheus Oliveira Franca, Jacob Chan, Van Le, Ayaka Uesaka, Yuta Nakashima, Hajime Nagahara, Jueren Wang, Yutaka Fujioka

We introduce BUDA. ART, a system designed to assist researchers in Art History, to explore and analyze an archive of pictures of Buddha statues.


Understanding Art through Multi-Modal Retrieval in Paintings

no code implementations24 Apr 2019 Noa Garcia, Benjamin Renoust, Yuta Nakashima

In computer vision, visual arts are often studied from a purely aesthetics perspective, mostly by analysing the visual appearance of an artistic reproduction to infer its style, its author, or its representative features.

Art Analysis Retrieval

Context-Aware Embeddings for Automatic Art Analysis

1 code implementation10 Apr 2019 Noa Garcia, Benjamin Renoust, Yuta Nakashima

Whereas visual representations are able to capture information about the content and the style of an artwork, our proposed context-aware embeddings additionally encode relationships between different artistic attributes, such as author, school, or historical period.

Art Analysis Cross-Modal Retrieval +3

Multilayer Network Model of Movie Script

no code implementations13 Dec 2018 Youssef Mourchid, Benjamin Renoust, Hocine Cherifi, Mohammed El Hassouni

Network models have been increasingly used in the past years to support summarization and analysis of narratives, such as famous TV series, books and news.


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