Search Results for author: Benoit Favre

Found 41 papers, 3 papers with code

Filtering conversations through dialogue acts labels for improving corpus-based convergence studies

no code implementations SIGDIAL (ACL) 2020 Simone Fuscone, Benoit Favre, Laurent Prévot

Cognitive models of conversation and research on user-adaptation in dialogue systems involves a better understanding of speakers convergence in conversation.

Increasing faithfulness in human-human dialog summarization with Spoken Language Understanding tasks

no code implementations16 Sep 2024 Eunice Akani, Benoit Favre, Frederic Bechet, Romain Gemignani

We suggest using the semantic information proposed for performing Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) in human-machine dialogue systems for goal-oriented human-human dialogues to obtain a more semantically faithful summary regarding the task.

Spoken Language Understanding

Do Vision-and-Language Transformers Learn Grounded Predicate-Noun Dependencies?

1 code implementation21 Oct 2022 Mitja Nikolaus, Emmanuelle Salin, Stephane Ayache, Abdellah Fourtassi, Benoit Favre

Recent advances in vision-and-language modeling have seen the development of Transformer architectures that achieve remarkable performance on multimodal reasoning tasks.

Image-text matching Language Modeling +3

"Do you follow me?": A Survey of Recent Approaches in Dialogue State Tracking

no code implementations29 Jul 2022 Léo Jacqmin, Lina M. Rojas-Barahona, Benoit Favre

DST has received a lot of interest in recent years with the text-to-text paradigm emerging as the favored approach.

Dialogue State Tracking

Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Classification of Biomedical Articles in Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

no code implementations9 Jan 2022 Simon Lupart, Benoit Favre, Vassilina Nikoulina, Salah Ait-Mokhtar

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is a large thesaurus created by the National Library of Medicine and used for fine-grained indexing of publications in the biomedical domain.

Multi-Task Learning valid +1

Veyn at PARSEME Shared Task 2018: Recurrent Neural Networks for VMWE Identification

1 code implementation COLING 2018 Nicolas Zampieri, Manon Scholivet, Carlos Ramisch, Benoit Favre

This paper describes the Veyn system, submitted to the closed track of the PARSEME Shared Task 2018 on automatic identification of verbal multiword expressions (VMWEs).

Machine Translation TAG +1

D\'etection d'erreurs dans des transcriptions OCR de documents historiques par r\'eseaux de neurones r\'ecurrents multi-niveau (Combining character level and word level RNNs for post-OCR error detection)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2018 Thibault Magallon, Frederic Bechet, Benoit Favre

Le traitement {\`a} posteriori de transcriptions OCR cherche {\`a} d{\'e}tecter les erreurs dans les sorties d{'}OCR pour tenter de les corriger, deux t{\^a}ches {\'e}valu{\'e}es par la comp{\'e}tition ICDAR-2017 Post-OCR Text Correction.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

D\'etection de cor\'ef\'erences de bout en bout en fran\ccais (End-to-end coreference resolution for French)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 Elisabeth Godbert, Benoit Favre

Notre objectif est l{'}{\'e}laboration d{'}un syst{\`e}me de d{\'e}tection automatique de relations de cor{\'e}f{\'e}rence le plus g{\'e}n{\'e}ral possible, pour le traitement des anaphores pronominales et les cor{\'e}f{\'e}rences directes.


MultiLing 2017 Overview

no code implementations WS 2017 George Giannakopoulos, John Conroy, Jeff Kubina, Peter A. Rankel, Elena Lloret, Josef Steinberger, Marina Litvak, Benoit Favre

In this brief report we present an overview of the MultiLing 2017 effort and workshop, as implemented within EACL 2017.

Document Summarization

Fusion d'espaces de repr\'esentations multimodaux pour la reconnaissance du r\^ole du locuteur dans des documents t\'el\'evisuels (Multimodal embedding fusion for robust speaker role recognition in video broadcast )

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2016 Sebastien Delecraz, Frederic Bechet, Benoit Favre, Mickael Rouvier

L{'}identification du r{\^o}le d{'}un locuteur dans des {\'e}missions de t{\'e}l{\'e}vision est un probl{\`e}me de classification de personne selon une liste de r{\^o}les comme pr{\'e}sentateur, journaliste, invit{\'e}, etc.

D\'etection de concepts pertinents pour le r\'esum\'e automatique de conversations par recombinaison de patrons (Relevant concepts detection for the automatic summary of conversations using patterns recombination )

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2016 J{\'e}r{\'e}my Trione, Benoit Favre, Frederic Bechet

automatique de conversations par recombinaison de patrons J{\'e}r{\'e}my Trione Benoit Favre Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric B{\'e}chet Aix-Marseille Universit{\'e}, CNRS, LIF UMR 7279, 13000, Marseille, France pr{\'e}nom. nom@lif. univ-mrs. fr R {\'E}SUM{\'E} Ce papier d{\'e}crit une approche pour cr{\'e}er des r{\'e}sum{\'e}s de conversations parl{\'e}es par remplissage de patrons.

A Document Repository for Social Media and Speech Conversations

no code implementations LREC 2016 Adam Funk, Robert Gaizauskas, Benoit Favre

We present a successfully implemented document repository REST service for flexible SCRUD (search, crate, read, update, delete) storage of social media conversations, using a GATE/TIPSTER-like document object model and providing a query language for document features.

Automatically enriching spoken corpora with syntactic information for linguistic studies

no code implementations LREC 2014 Alexis Nasr, Frederic Bechet, Benoit Favre, Thierry Bazillon, Jose Deulofeu, Andre Valli

Syntactic parsing of speech transcriptions faces the problem of the presence of disfluencies that break the syntactic structure of the utterances.

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