Search Results for author: Berk Kaya

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Multi-View Photometric Stereo Revisited

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Berk Kaya, Suryansh Kumar, Carlos Oliveira, Vittorio Ferrari, Luc van Gool

The proposed approach in this paper exploits the benefit of uncertainty modeling in a deep neural network for a reliable fusion of photometric stereo (PS) and multi-view stereo (MVS) network predictions.

3D Shape Representation

Uncertainty-Aware Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Berk Kaya, Suryansh Kumar, Carlos Oliveira, Vittorio Ferrari, Luc van Gool

At each pixel, our approach either selects or discards deep-PS and deep-MVS network prediction depending on the prediction uncertainty measure.

Surface Reconstruction

Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Uncalibrated Deep Photometric Stereo

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 Francesco Sarno, Suryansh Kumar, Berk Kaya, Zhiwu Huang, Vittorio Ferrari, Luc van Gool

We then perform a continuous relaxation of this search space and present a gradient-based optimization strategy to find an efficient light calibration and normal estimation network.

Neural Architecture Search

Neural Radiance Fields Approach to Deep Multi-View Photometric Stereo

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 Berk Kaya, Suryansh Kumar, Francesco Sarno, Vittorio Ferrari, Luc van Gool

Our method performs neural rendering of multi-view images while utilizing surface normals estimated by a deep photometric stereo network.

3D geometry 3D Reconstruction +1

Self-Supervised 2D Image to 3D Shape Translation with Disentangled Representations

no code implementations22 Mar 2020 Berk Kaya, Radu Timofte

In this paper, we propose SIST, a Self-supervised Image to Shape Translation framework that fulfills three tasks: (i) reconstructing the 3D shape from a single image; (ii) learning disentangled representations for shape, appearance and viewpoint; and (iii) generating a realistic RGB image from these independent factors.

Image to 3D Translation

Towards Spectral Estimation from a Single RGB Image in the Wild

no code implementations3 Dec 2018 Berk Kaya, Yigit Baran Can, Radu Timofte

In contrast to the current literature, we address the problem of estimating the spectrum from a single common trichromatic RGB image obtained under unconstrained settings (e. g. unknown camera parameters, unknown scene radiance, unknown scene contents).

Spectral Estimation From A Single Rgb Image Spectral Reconstruction

EndNet: Sparse AutoEncoder Network for Endmember Extraction and Hyperspectral Unmixing

1 code implementation6 Aug 2017 Savas Ozkan, Berk Kaya, Gozde Bozdagi Akar

Data acquired from multi-channel sensors is a highly valuable asset to interpret the environment for a variety of remote sensing applications.

Hyperspectral Unmixing

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