Search Results for author: Bertram Shi

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

OAT: Object-Level Attention Transformer for Gaze Scanpath Prediction

1 code implementation18 Jul 2024 Yini Fang, Jingling Yu, Haozheng Zhang, Ralf van der Lans, Bertram Shi

The decoder predicts the gaze scanpath as a sequence of object fixations, by integrating output features from both the encoder and decoder.

Decoder Object +2

Integrating Holistic and Local Information to Estimate Emotional Reaction Intensity

1 code implementation9 May 2023 Yini Fang, Liang Wu, Frederic Jumelle, Bertram Shi

We handle variable video length with a regression token that accumulates information from all frames into a fixed-dimensional vector independent of video length.


RMES: Real-Time Micro-Expression Spotting Using Phase From Riesz Pyramid

1 code implementation9 May 2023 Yini Fang, Didan Deng, Liang Wu, Frederic Jumelle, Bertram Shi

In comparison to optical flow, phase provides more localized motion estimates, which are essential for ME spotting, resulting in higher performance.

Micro-Expression Spotting Optical Flow Estimation

Utilizing Eye Gaze to Enhance the Generalization of Imitation Networks to Unseen Environments

no code implementations10 Jul 2019 Congcong Liu, Yuying Chen, Lei Tai, Ming Liu, Bertram Shi

Vision-based autonomous driving through imitation learning mimics the behaviors of human drivers by training on pairs of data of raw driver-view images and actions.

Autonomous Driving Imitation Learning

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