no code implementations • 21 Dec 2022 • Luke Vilnis, Zach Fisher, Bhargav Kanagal, Patrick Murray, Sumit Sanghai
Large language models have ushered in a golden age of semantic parsing.
1 code implementation • 16 Dec 2021 • Li Yang, Qifan Wang, Zac Yu, Anand Kulkarni, Sumit Sanghai, Bin Shu, Jon Elsas, Bhargav Kanagal
Attribute value extraction refers to the task of identifying values of an attribute of interest from product information.
Ranked #1 on Attribute Value Extraction on MAVE
no code implementations • 2 Sep 2021 • Gurmeet Manku, James Lee-Thorp, Bhargav Kanagal, Joshua Ainslie, Jingchen Feng, Zach Pearson, Ebenezer Anjorin, Sudeep Gandhe, Ilya Eckstein, Jim Rosswog, Sumit Sanghai, Michael Pohl, Larry Adams, D. Sivakumar
The dialog understanding system consists of a deep-learned Contextual Language Understanding module, which interprets user utterances, and a primarily rules-based Dialog-State Tracker (DST), which updates the dialog state and formulates search requests intended for the fulfillment engine.
no code implementations • EACL 2021 • Yury Zemlyanskiy, Sudeep Gandhe, Ruining He, Bhargav Kanagal, Anirudh Ravula, Juraj Gottweis, Fei Sha, Ilya Eckstein
This enables a new class of powerful, high-capacity representations that can ultimately distill much of the useful information about an entity from multiple text sources, without any human supervision.
5 code implementations • Findings (ACL) 2021 • Ruining He, Anirudh Ravula, Bhargav Kanagal, Joshua Ainslie
Transformer is the backbone of modern NLP models.
Ranked #4 on Paraphrase Identification on Quora Question Pairs
no code implementations • ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining 2020 • Qifan Wang, Li Yang, Bhargav Kanagal, Sumit Sanghai, D. Sivakumar, Bin Shu, Zac Yu, Jon Elsas
In particular, we build a question answering model which treats each attribute as a question and identifies the answer span corresponding to the attribute value in the product context.
no code implementations • 15 Nov 2016 • Immanuel Bayer, Xiangnan He, Bhargav Kanagal, Steffen Rendle
A diversity of complex models has been proposed for a wide variety of applications.