Search Results for author: Bhavani Shankar

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Sparse Array Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communications System

no code implementations2 Jan 2023 Huiping Huang, Linlong Wu, Bhavani Shankar, Abdelhak M. Zoubir

The problem of sparse array design for dual-function radar-communications is investigated.

Hybrid Beamforming in mmWave Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems: Models, Technologies, and Challenges

no code implementations10 Sep 2022 Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bowen Wang, Bhavani Shankar, Bin Liao, Björn Ottersten

As a promising technology in beyond-5G (B5G) and 6G, dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) aims to ensure both radar sensing and communication on a single integrated platform with unified signaling schemes.

One-Bit ADCs/DACs based MIMO Radar: Performance Analysis and Joint Design

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Minglong Deng, Ziyang Cheng, Linlong Wu, Bhavani Shankar, Zishu He

In this paper, we focus on the detection performance analysis and joint design for the MIMO radar with one-bit ADCs and DACs.

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