Search Results for author: Bhawna Paliwal

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

CROSS-JEM: Accurate and Efficient Cross-encoders for Short-text Ranking Tasks

no code implementations15 Sep 2024 Bhawna Paliwal, Deepak Saini, Mudit Dhawan, Siddarth Asokan, Nagarajan Natarajan, Surbhi Aggarwal, Pankaj Malhotra, Jian Jiao, Manik Varma

In response, we propose Cross-encoders with Joint Efficient Modeling (CROSS-JEM), a novel ranking approach that enables transformer-based models to jointly score multiple items for a query, maximizing parameter utilization.

Visual Representations of Physiological Signals for Fake Video Detection

no code implementations18 Jul 2022 Kalin Stefanov, Bhawna Paliwal, Abhinav Dhall

We investigate two strategies for combining the video and physiology modalities, either by augmenting the video with information from the physiology or by novelly learning the fusion of those two modalities with a proposed Graph Convolutional Network architecture.


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