Search Results for author: Biao Hou

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Renormalized Connection for Scale-preferred Object Detection in Satellite Imagery

no code implementations9 Sep 2024 Fan Zhang, Lingling Li, Licheng Jiao, Xu Liu, Fang Liu, Shuyuan Yang, Biao Hou

In a series of FPN experiments on the scale-preferred tasks, we found that the ``divide-and-conquer'' idea of FPN severely hampers the detector's learning in the right direction due to the large number of large-scale negative samples and interference from background noise.

object-detection Object Detection

Masked Angle-Aware Autoencoder for Remote Sensing Images

1 code implementation4 Aug 2024 Zhihao LI, Biao Hou, Siteng Ma, Zitong Wu, Xianpeng Guo, Bo Ren, Licheng Jiao

We design a \textit{scaling center crop} operation to create the rotated crop with random orientation on each original image, introducing the explicit angle variation.

Representation Learning

Spatio-Temporal Tuples Transformer for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

1 code implementation8 Jan 2022 Helei Qiu, Biao Hou, Bo Ren, Xiaohua Zhang

And then a spatio-temporal tuples self-attention module is proposed to capture the relationship of different joints in consecutive frames.

Action Recognition Skeleton Based Action Recognition

FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection

2 code implementations21 Nov 2021 Zhonghua Li, Biao Hou, Zitong Wu, Licheng Jiao, Bo Ren, Chen Yang

We convert a lightweight FCOSR model to TensorRT format, which achieves 73. 93 mAP on DOTA1. 0 at a speed of 10. 68 FPS on Jetson Xavier NX with single scale.

object-detection Object Detection +1

More Separable and Easier to Segment: A Cluster Alignment Method for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations7 May 2021 Shuang Wang, Dong Zhao, Yi Li, Chi Zhang, Yuwei Guo, Qi Zang, Biao Hou, Licheng Jiao

Feature alignment between domains is one of the mainstream methods for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) semantic segmentation.

Clustering Segmentation +2

Modified Diversity of Class Probability Estimation Co-training for Hyperspectral Image Classification

no code implementations5 Sep 2018 Yan Ju, Lingling Li, Licheng Jiao, Zhongle Ren, Biao Hou, Shuyuan Yang

Due to the limited amount and imbalanced classes of labeled training data, the conventional supervised learning can not ensure the discrimination of the learned feature for hyperspectral image (HSI) classification.

Classification Clustering +3

Discriminative Transformation Learning for Fuzzy Sparse Subspace Clustering

no code implementations18 Jul 2017 Zaidao Wen, Biao Hou, Qian Wu, Licheng Jiao

This paper develops a novel iterative framework for subspace clustering in a learned discriminative feature domain.


Discriminative Nonlinear Analysis Operator Learning: When Cosparse Model Meets Image Classification

no code implementations30 Apr 2017 Zaidao Wen, Biao Hou, Licheng Jiao

Linear synthesis model based dictionary learning framework has achieved remarkable performances in image classification in the last decade.

Classification Dictionary Learning +3

Target Oriented High Resolution SAR Image Formation via Semantic Information Guided Regularizations

no code implementations24 Apr 2017 Biao Hou, Zaidao Wen, Licheng Jiao, Qian Wu

Sparsity-regularized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging framework has shown its remarkable performance to generate a feature enhanced high resolution image, in which a sparsity-inducing regularizer is involved by exploiting the sparsity priors of some visual features in the underlying image.

Decision Making

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