Search Results for author: Bihong Zhang

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

A meta learning scheme for fast accent domain expansion in Mandarin speech recognition

no code implementations23 Jul 2023 Ziwei Zhu, Changhao Shan, Bihong Zhang, Jian Yu

We combine the methods of meta learning and freeze of model parameters, which makes the recognition performance more stable in different cases and the training faster about 20%.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Nextformer: A ConvNeXt Augmented Conformer For End-To-End Speech Recognition

1 code implementation29 Jun 2022 Yongjun Jiang, Jian Yu, Wenwen Yang, Bihong Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

To the best of our knowledge, the proposed Nextformer model achieves SOTA results on AISHELL-1(CER 4. 06%) and WenetSpeech(CER 7. 56%/11. 29%).

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

DCCRN: Deep Complex Convolution Recurrent Network for Phase-Aware Speech Enhancement

7 code implementations Interspeech 2020 Yanxin Hu, Yun Liu, Shubo Lv, Mengtao Xing, Shimin Zhang, Yihui Fu, Jian Wu, Bihong Zhang, Lei Xie

Speech enhancement has benefited from the success of deep learning in terms of intelligibility and perceptual quality.

Speech Enhancement Audio and Speech Processing Sound

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