Search Results for author: Binbin Gu

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Tackling Zero Pronoun Resolution and Non-Zero Coreference Resolution Jointly

1 code implementation CoNLL (EMNLP) 2021 Shisong Chen, Binbin Gu, Jianfeng Qu, Zhixu Li, An Liu, Lei Zhao, Zhigang Chen

Zero pronoun resolution aims at recognizing dropped pronouns and pointing out their anaphoric mentions, while non-zero coreference resolution targets at clustering mentions referring to the same entity.


Efficient Dynamic Clustering: Capturing Patterns from Historical Cluster Evolution

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Binbin Gu, Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab

After training, the DynamicC model is usedin cooperation with the batch algorithm to achieve both accurate and fast clustering decisions.

Anomaly Detection Clustering

Multi-Modal Chorus Recognition for Improving Song Search

1 code implementation27 Jun 2021 Jiaan Wang, Zhixu Li, Binbin Gu, Tingyi Zhang, Qingsheng Liu, Zhigang Chen

In addition, our approach also helps to improve the accuracy of its downstream task - song search by more than 10. 6%.

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