Search Results for author: Bing-Yi Jing

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Diffusion Actor-Critic: Formulating Constrained Policy Iteration as Diffusion Noise Regression for Offline Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation31 May 2024 Linjiajie Fang, Ruoxue Liu, Jing Zhang, Wenjia Wang, Bing-Yi Jing

In this paper, we propose Diffusion Actor-Critic (DAC) that formulates the Kullback-Leibler (KL) constraint policy iteration as a diffusion noise regression problem, enabling direct representation of target policies as diffusion models.

D4RL Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Constrained Policy Optimization with Explicit Behavior Density for Offline Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Jing Zhang, Chi Zhang, Wenjia Wang, Bing-Yi Jing

Due to the inability to interact with the environment, offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods face the challenge of estimating the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) points.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Community Detection on Mixture Multi-layer Networks via Regularized Tensor Decomposition

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Bing-Yi Jing, Ting Li, Zhongyuan Lyu, Dong Xia

We show that the TWIST procedure can accurately detect the communities with small misclassification error as the number of nodes and/or the number of layers increases.

Community Detection Stochastic Block Model +1

Adaptive Scaling

no code implementations2 Sep 2017 Ting Li, Bing-Yi Jing, Ningchen Ying, Xianshi Yu

Simulations are conducted to illustrate the advantages of our new scaling method.


Regularized maximum correntropy machine

no code implementations18 Jan 2015 Jim Jing-Yan Wang, Yunji Wang, Bing-Yi Jing, Xin Gao

To solve this problem, we propose to learn the class label predictors by maximizing the correntropy between the predicted labels and the true labels of the training samples, under the regularized Maximum Correntropy Criteria (MCC) framework.

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