Search Results for author: Bingyu Liu

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

MolMiner: You only look once for chemical structure recognition

no code implementations23 May 2022 Youjun Xu, Jinchuan Xiao, Chia-Han Chou, Jianhang Zhang, Jintao Zhu, Qiwan Hu, Hemin Li, Ningsheng Han, Bingyu Liu, Shuaipeng Zhang, Jinyu Han, Zhen Zhang, Shuhao Zhang, Weilin Zhang, Luhua Lai, Jianfeng Pei

Due to a backlog of decades and an increasing amount of these printed literature, there is a high demand for the translation of printed depictions into machine-readable formats, which is known as Optical Chemical Structure Recognition (OCSR).

object-detection Object Detection +1

A New Weakly Supervised Learning Approach for Real-time Iron Ore Feed Load Estimation

no code implementations6 Oct 2021 Li Guo, Yonghong Peng, Rui Qin, Bingyu Liu

Iron ore feed load control is one of the most critical settings in a mineral grinding process, directly impacting the quality of final products.

Weakly-supervised Learning

Multiple Sequential Learning Tasks Represented in Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop AI4Scien 2021 Shaonan Wang, Bingyu Liu

From the computational perspective, we hypothesize that the working mechanism of a multitask model can provide a possible solution to that of brains.

Selective Pseudo-Labeling with Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Bingyu Liu, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye, Weihong Deng

Inspired by the effectiveness of pseudo-labels in domain adaptation, we propose a reinforcement learning based selective pseudo-labeling method for semi-supervised domain adaptation.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +3

Ensemble Model with Batch Spectral Regularization and Data Blending for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning with Unlabeled Data

no code implementations8 Jun 2020 Zhen Zhao, Bingyu Liu, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye

In this paper, we present our proposed ensemble model with batch spectral regularization and data blending mechanisms for the Track 2 problem of the cross-domain few-shot learning (CD-FSL) challenge.

cross-domain few-shot learning

Feature Transformation Ensemble Model with Batch Spectral Regularization for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

no code implementations18 May 2020 Bingyu Liu, Zhen Zhao, Zhenpeng Li, Jianan Jiang, Yuhong Guo, Jieping Ye

In this paper, we propose a feature transformation ensemble model with batch spectral regularization for the Cross-domain few-shot learning (CD-FSL) challenge.

cross-domain few-shot learning Data Augmentation +2

Fair Loss: Margin-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Deep Face Recognition

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Bingyu Liu, Weihong Deng, Yaoyao Zhong, Mei Wang, Jiani Hu, Xunqiang Tao, Yaohai Huang

Specifically, we train an agent to learn a margin adaptive strategy for each class, and make the additive margins for different classes more reasonable.

Face Recognition Q-Learning +3

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