Search Results for author: Birgit C. van Huijgevoort

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Specification-guided temporal logic control for stochastic systems: a multi-layered approach

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Birgit C. van Huijgevoort, Ruohan Wang, Sadegh Soudjani, Sofie Haesaert

First, we develop a multi-layered discretization-based approach with variable precision by combining abstraction layers with different precision parameters.

Direct data-driven control with signal temporal logic specifications

no code implementations5 Apr 2023 Birgit C. van Huijgevoort, Chris Verhoek, Roland Tóth, Sofie Haesaert

Most control synthesis methods under temporal logic properties require a model of the system, however, identifying such a model can be a challenging task.

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