Search Results for author: Bo Dong

Found 45 papers, 15 papers with code

CML: A Contrastive Meta Learning Method to Estimate Human Label Confidence Scores and Reduce Data Collection Cost

no code implementations ECNLP (ACL) 2022 Bo Dong, Yiyi Wang, Hanbo Sun, Yunji Wang, Alireza Hashemi, Zheng Du

In this paper, we propose a contrastive meta-learning framework (CML) to address the challenges introduced by noisy annotated data, specifically in the context of natural language processing.


基于有向异构图的发票明细税收分类方法(Tax Classification of Invoice Details Based on Directed Heterogeneous Graph)

no code implementations CCL 2020 Peiyao Zhao, Qinghua Zheng, Bo Dong, Jianfei Ruan, Minnan Luo

税收是国家赖以生存的物质基础。为加快税收现代化, 方便纳税人便捷、规范开具增值税发票, 国税总局规定纳税人在税控系统开票前选择发票明细对应的税收分类才可正常开具发票。提高税收分类的准确度, 是构建税收风险指标和分析纳税人行为特征的重要基础。基于此, 本文提出了一种基于有向异构图的短文本分类模型(Heterogeneous Directed Graph Attenton Network, HDGAT), 利用发票明细间的有向信息建模, 引入外部知识, 显著地提高了发票明细的税收分类准确度。

CLDG: Contrastive Learning on Dynamic Graphs

1 code implementation19 Dec 2024 Yiming Xu, Bin Shi, Teng Ma, Bo Dong, Haoyi Zhou, Qinghua Zheng

The graph with complex annotations is the most potent data type, whose constantly evolving motivates further exploration of the unsupervised dynamic graph representation.

Contrastive Learning Translation

DEGAS: Detailed Expressions on Full-Body Gaussian Avatars

no code implementations20 Aug 2024 Zhijing Shao, Duotun Wang, Qing-Yao Tian, Yao-Dong Yang, Hengyu Meng, Zeyu Cai, Bo Dong, Yu Zhang, Kang Zhang, Zeyu Wang

To drive the facial expressions, instead of the commonly used 3D Morphable Models (3DMMs) in 3D head avatars, we propose to adopt the expression latent space trained solely on 2D portrait images, bridging the gap between 2D talking faces and 3D avatars.

Neural Rendering

Estimating Noisy Class Posterior with Part-level Labels for Noisy Label Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Rui Zhao, Bin Shi, Jianfei Ruan, Tianze Pan, Bo Dong

Utilizing this framework with part-level labels, we can learn the noisy class posteriors more precisely by guiding the model to integrate information from various parts, ultimately improving the classification performance.

GraphPub: Generation of Differential Privacy Graph with High Availability

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Wanghan Xu, Bin Shi, Ao Liu, Jiqiang Zhang, Bo Dong

In recent years, with the rapid development of graph neural networks (GNN), more and more graph datasets have been published for GNN tasks.


Efficient LLM Inference on CPUs

2 code implementations1 Nov 2023 Haihao Shen, Hanwen Chang, Bo Dong, Yu Luo, Hengyu Meng

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance and tremendous potential across a wide range of tasks.


Compressing Context to Enhance Inference Efficiency of Large Language Models

2 code implementations9 Oct 2023 Yucheng Li, Bo Dong, Chenghua Lin, Frank Guerin

This paper proposes a method called Selective Context that enhances the inference efficiency of LLMs by identifying and pruning redundancy in the input context to make the input more compact.

Question Answering Response Generation

In the Blink of an Eye: Event-based Emotion Recognition

1 code implementation6 Oct 2023 Haiwei Zhang, Jiqing Zhang, Bo Dong, Pieter Peers, Wenwei Wu, Xiaopeng Wei, Felix Heide, Xin Yang

To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first eye-based emotion recognition method that leverages event-based cameras and spiking neural network.

Emotion Recognition

A Unified Query-based Paradigm for Camouflaged Instance Segmentation

1 code implementation14 Aug 2023 Bo Dong, Jialun Pei, Rongrong Gao, Tian-Zhu Xiang, Shuo Wang, Huan Xiong

Due to the high similarity between camouflaged instances and the background, the recently proposed camouflaged instance segmentation (CIS) faces challenges in accurate localization and instance segmentation.

Boundary Detection Decoder +4

An Efficient Sparse Inference Software Accelerator for Transformer-based Language Models on CPUs

1 code implementation28 Jun 2023 Haihao Shen, Hengyu Meng, Bo Dong, Zhe Wang, Ofir Zafrir, Yi Ding, Yu Luo, Hanwen Chang, Qun Gao, Ziheng Wang, Guy Boudoukh, Moshe Wasserblat

We apply our sparse accelerator on widely-used Transformer-based language models including Bert-Mini, DistilBERT, Bert-Base, and BERT-Large.

Model Compression

A Low-rank Matching Attention based Cross-modal Feature Fusion Method for Conversational Emotion Recognition

no code implementations16 Jun 2023 Yuntao Shou, Huan Liu, Xiangyong Cao, Deyu Meng, Bo Dong

LMAM effectively captures contextual emotional semantic information in conversations while mitigating the quadratic complexity issue caused by the self-attention mechanism.

Emotion Recognition

APAM: Adaptive Pre-training and Adaptive Meta Learning in Language Model for Noisy Labels and Long-tailed Learning

no code implementations6 Feb 2023 Sunyi Chi, Bo Dong, Yiming Xu, Zhenyu Shi, Zheng Du

Lastly, our sensitive analysis emphasizes the capability of the proposed framework to handle the long-tailed problem and mitigate the negative impact of noisy labels.

Contrastive Learning Language Modeling +2

Head-Free Lightweight Semantic Segmentation with Linear Transformer

1 code implementation11 Jan 2023 Bo Dong, Pichao Wang, Fan Wang

On the ADE20K dataset, our model achieves 41. 8 mIoU and 4. 6 GFLOPs, which is 4. 4 mIoU higher than Segformer, with 45% less GFLOPs.

Decoder Segmentation +1

Single Depth-image 3D Reflection Symmetry and Shape Prediction

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Zhaoxuan Zhang, Bo Dong, Tong Li, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, BaoCai Yin, Xin Yang

In this paper, we present Iterative Symmetry Completion Network (ISCNet), a single depth-image shape completion method that exploits reflective symmetry cues to obtain more detailed shapes.

Multi-view Spectral Polarization Propagation for Video Glass Segmentation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Yu Qiao, Bo Dong, Ao Jin, Yu Fu, Seung-Hwan Baek, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, Xiaopeng Wei, Xin Yang

In this paper, we present the first polarization-guided video glass segmentation propagation solution (PGVS-Net) that can robustly and coherently propagate glass segmentation in RGB-P video sequences.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +1

Fast DistilBERT on CPUs

1 code implementation27 Oct 2022 Haihao Shen, Ofir Zafrir, Bo Dong, Hengyu Meng, Xinyu Ye, Zhe Wang, Yi Ding, Hanwen Chang, Guy Boudoukh, Moshe Wasserblat

In this work, we propose a new pipeline for creating and running Fast Transformer models on CPUs, utilizing hardware-aware pruning, knowledge distillation, quantization, and our own Transformer inference runtime engine with optimized kernels for sparse and quantized operators.

Knowledge Distillation Model Compression +2

ASD: Towards Attribute Spatial Decomposition for Prior-Free Facial Attribute Recognition

no code implementations25 Oct 2022 Chuanfei Hu, Hang Shao, Bo Dong, Zhe Wang, Yongxiong Wang

Representing the spatial properties of facial attributes is a vital challenge for facial attribute recognition (FAR).


Point Cloud Scene Completion with Joint Color and Semantic Estimation from Single RGB-D Image

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Zhaoxuan Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Bo Dong, Tong Li, BaoCai Yin, Xin Yang

Given a single RGB-D image, our method first predicts its semantic segmentation map and goes through the 3D volume branch to obtain a volumetric scene reconstruction as a guide to the next view inpainting step, which attempts to make up the missing information; the third step involves projecting the volume under the same view of the input, concatenating them to complete the current view RGB-D and segmentation map, and integrating all RGB-D and segmentation maps into the point cloud.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Image Inpainting +2

Glass Segmentation Using Intensity and Spectral Polarization Cues

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Haiyang Mei, Bo Dong, Wen Dong, Jiaxi Yang, Seung-Hwan Baek, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, Xiaopeng Wei, Xin Yang

Transparent and semi-transparent materials pose significant challenges for existing scene understanding and segmentation algorithms due to their lack of RGB texture which impedes the extraction of meaningful features.

Camouflaged Object Segmentation Scene Understanding +2

Spiking Transformers for Event-Based Single Object Tracking

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Jiqing Zhang, Bo Dong, Haiwei Zhang, Jianchuan Ding, Felix Heide, BaoCai Yin, Xin Yang

In particular, the proposed architecture features a transformer module to provide global spatial information and a spiking neural network (SNN) module for extracting temporal cues.

Object Object Tracking

Computationally Efficient Approximations for Matrix-based Renyi's Entropy

no code implementations27 Dec 2021 Tieliang Gong, Yuxin Dong, Shujian Yu, Bo Dong

The recently developed matrix based Renyi's entropy enables measurement of information in data simply using the eigenspectrum of symmetric positive semi definite (PSD) matrices in reproducing kernel Hilbert space, without estimation of the underlying data distribution.

All You Need is RAW: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks with Camera Image Pipelines

1 code implementation16 Dec 2021 Yuxuan Zhang, Bo Dong, Felix Heide

Various defense methods have proposed image-to-image mapping methods, either including these perturbations in the training process or removing them in a preprocessing denoising step.

Adversarial Defense Denoising +3

Markov subsampling based Huber Criterion

no code implementations12 Dec 2021 Tieliang Gong, Yuxin Dong, Hong Chen, Bo Dong, Chen Li

Subsampling is an important technique to tackle the computational challenges brought by big data.

Regularized Modal Regression on Markov-dependent Observations: A Theoretical Assessment

no code implementations9 Dec 2021 Tielang Gong, Yuxin Dong, Hong Chen, Bo Dong, Wei Feng, Chen Li

Our results show that the Markov dependence impacts on the generalization error in the way that sample size would be discounted by a multiplicative factor depending on the spectral gap of underlying Markov chain.

Learning Theory regression

TNTC: two-stream network with transformer-based complementarity for gait-based emotion recognition

no code implementations26 Oct 2021 Chuanfei Hu, Weijie Sheng, Bo Dong, Xinde Li

A new transformer-based complementarity module (TCM) is proposed to bridge the complementarity between two streams hierarchically via capturing long range dependencies.

Emotion Recognition

There are free lunches

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Zhuoran Xu, Hao liu, Bo Dong

In this paper we propose a novel idea, "There are free lunches" (TAFL) Theorem, which states that some algorithms can achieve the best performance in all possible tasks, in the condition that tasks are given in a specific order.

Object Tracking by Jointly Exploiting Frame and Event Domain

2 code implementations ICCV 2021 Jiqing Zhang, Xin Yang, Yingkai Fu, Xiaopeng Wei, BaoCai Yin, Bo Dong

Our approach's effectiveness is enforced by a novel designed cross-domain attention schemes, which can effectively enhance features based on self- and cross-domain attention schemes; The adaptiveness is guarded by a specially designed weighting scheme, which can adaptively balance the contribution of the two domains.

Object Object Tracking

Luminance Attentive Networks for HDR Image and Panorama Reconstruction

1 code implementation14 Sep 2021 Hanning Yu, Wentao Liu, Chengjiang Long, Bo Dong, Qin Zou, Chunxia Xiao

Based on this observation, we propose a novel normalization method called " HDR calibration " for HDR images stored in relative luminance, calibrating HDR images into a similar luminance scale according to the LDR images.

HDR Reconstruction Tone Mapping

Polyp-PVT: Polyp Segmentation with Pyramid Vision Transformers

2 code implementations16 Aug 2021 Bo Dong, Wenhai Wang, Deng-Ping Fan, Jinpeng Li, Huazhu Fu, Ling Shao

Unlike existing CNN-based methods, we adopt a transformer encoder, which learns more powerful and robust representations.

Decoder Medical Image Segmentation

Multi-domain Collaborative Feature Representation for Robust Visual Object Tracking

no code implementations10 Aug 2021 Jiqing Zhang, Kai Zhao, Bo Dong, Yingkai Fu, Yuxin Wang, Xin Yang, BaoCai Yin

Jointly exploiting multiple different yet complementary domain information has been proven to be an effective way to perform robust object tracking.

Visual Object Tracking

Depth-Aware Mirror Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Haiyang Mei, Bo Dong, Wen Dong, Pieter Peers, Xin Yang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaopeng Wei

To exploit depth information in mirror segmentation, we first construct a large-scale RGB-D mirror segmentation dataset, which we subsequently employ to train a novel depth-aware mirror segmentation framework.


Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Semantic Map and Dynamic Graph Attention Network

no code implementations30 Mar 2021 Bo Dong, Hao liu, Yu Bai, Jinbiao Lin, Zhuoran Xu, Xinyu Xu, Qi Kong

Predicting future trajectories of surrounding obstacles is a crucial task for autonomous driving cars to achieve a high degree of road safety.

Autonomous Driving Graph Attention +1

Towards Accurate RGB-D Saliency Detection with Complementary Attention and Adaptive Integration

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Hong-Bo Bi, Zi-Qi Liu, Kang Wang, Bo Dong, Geng Chen, Ji-Quan Ma

In this paper, we propose Complementary Attention and Adaptive Integration Network (CAAI-Net), a novel RGB-D saliency detection model that integrates complementary attention based feature concentration and adaptive cross-modal feature fusion into a unified framework for accurate saliency detection.

Saliency Detection

Towards Accurate Camouflaged Object Detection with Mixture Convolution and Interactive Fusion

no code implementations14 Jan 2021 Geng Chen, Xinrui Chen, Bo Dong, Mingchen Zhuge, Yongxiong Wang, Hongbo Bi, Jian Chen, Peng Wang, Yanning Zhang

Our method detects camouflaged objects with an effective fusion strategy, which aggregates the rich context information from a large receptive field.

object-detection Object Detection

DWMD: Dimensional Weighted Orderwise Moment Discrepancy for Domain-specific Hidden Representation Matching

no code implementations18 Jul 2020 Rongzhe Wei, Fa Zhang, Bo Dong, Qinghua Zheng

Our metric function takes advantage of a series for high-order moment alignment, and we theoretically prove that our DWMD metric function is error-free, which means that it can strictly reflect the distribution differences between domains and is valid without any feature distribution assumption.

Transfer Learning Unsupervised Domain Adaptation +1

Automatic Assessment of Full Left Ventricular Coverage in Cardiac Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Fisher-Discriminative 3D CNN

no code implementations6 Nov 2018 Le Zhang, Ali Gooya, Marco Pereanez, Bo Dong, Stefan K. Piechnik, Stefan Neubauer, Steffen E. Petersen, Alejandro F. Frangi

Full coverage of the left ventricle (LV), from base to apex, is a basic criterion for CMR image quality and necessary for accurate measurement of cardiac volume and functional assessment.

A Transfer Learning based Feature-Weak-Relevant Method for Image Clustering

no code implementations13 Aug 2018 Bo Dong, Xinnian Wang

What's more, the handcrafted features are used to boot up the clustering process, and just have a little effect on the final performance; therefore, the proposed method is feature-weak-relevant.

Clustering Image Clustering +1

An Explainable Adversarial Robustness Metric for Deep Learning Neural Networks

no code implementations5 Jun 2018 Chirag Agarwal, Bo Dong, Dan Schonfeld, Anthony Hoogs

Instead of simply measuring a DNN's adversarial robustness in the input domain, as previous works, the proposed NSS is built on top of insightful mathematical understanding of the adversarial attack and gives a more explicit explanation of the robustness.

Adversarial Attack Adversarial Robustness +4

Scattering Parameters and Surface Normals from Homogeneous Translucent Materials using Photometric Stereo

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Bo Dong, Kathleen D. Moore, Weiyi Zhang, Pieter Peers

This paper proposes a novel photometric stereo solution to jointly estimate surface normals and scattering parameters from a globally planar, homogeneous, translucent object.

Inverse Rendering Object

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