Search Results for author: Bo Thiesson

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Early detection of sepsis utilizing deep learning on electronic health record event sequences

no code implementations7 Jun 2019 Simon Meyer Lauritsen, Mads Ellersgaard Kalør, Emil Lund Kongsgaard, Katrine Meyer Lauritsen, Marianne Johansson Jørgensen, Jeppe Lange, Bo Thiesson

We present a deep learning system for early detection of sepsis that is able to learn characteristics of the key factors and interactions from the raw event sequence data itself, without relying on a labor-intensive feature extraction work.

Utilizing Device-level Demand Forecasting for Flexibility Markets - Full Version

no code implementations2 May 2018 Bijay Neupane, Torben Bach Pedersen, Bo Thiesson

In a typical device-level flexibility forecast, a market player is more concerned with the \textit{utility} that the demand flexibility brings to the market, rather than the intrinsic forecast accuracy.

Demand Forecasting Scheduling

The Bregman Variational Dual-Tree Framework

no code implementations26 Sep 2013 Saeed Amizadeh, Bo Thiesson, Milos Hauskrecht

Graph-based methods provide a powerful tool set for many non-parametric frameworks in Machine Learning.

Text Categorization

Learning Mixtures of DAG Models

no code implementations30 Jan 2013 Bo Thiesson, Christopher Meek, David Maxwell Chickering, David Heckerman

We describe computationally efficient methods for learning mixtures in which each component is a directed acyclic graphical model (mixtures of DAGs or MDAGs).

Fast Large-scale Mixture Modeling with Component-specific Data Partitions

no code implementations NeurIPS 2010 Bo Thiesson, Chong Wang

Remarkably easy implementation and guaranteed convergence has made the EM algorithm one of the most used algorithms for mixture modeling.

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