Search Results for author: Bob L. Sturm

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Reliable Local Explanations for Machine Listening

1 code implementation15 May 2020 Saumitra Mishra, Emmanouil Benetos, Bob L. Sturm, Simon Dixon

One way to analyse the behaviour of machine learning models is through local explanations that highlight input features that maximally influence model predictions.

GAN-based Generation and Automatic Selection of Explanations for Neural Networks

no code implementations21 Apr 2019 Saumitra Mishra, Daniel Stoller, Emmanouil Benetos, Bob L. Sturm, Simon Dixon

However, this requires a careful selection of hyper-parameters to generate interpretable examples for each neuron of interest, and current methods rely on a manual, qualitative evaluation of each setting, which is prohibitively slow.

Ensemble Models for Spoofing Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification

1 code implementation9 Apr 2019 Bhusan Chettri, Daniel Stoller, Veronica Morfi, Marco A. Martínez Ramírez, Emmanouil Benetos, Bob L. Sturm

Our ensemble model outperforms all our single models and the baselines from the challenge for both attack types.

Audio and Speech Processing Sound

The "Horse'' Inside: Seeking Causes Behind the Behaviours of Music Content Analysis Systems

no code implementations9 Jun 2016 Bob L. Sturm

We perform a series of experiments to illuminate what the system has actually learned to do, and to what extent it is performing the intended music listening task.

Music transcription modelling and composition using deep learning

2 code implementations29 Apr 2016 Bob L. Sturm, João Felipe Santos, Oded Ben-Tal, Iryna Korshunova

We apply deep learning methods, specifically long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, to music transcription modelling and composition.

Descriptive Music Transcription

Deep Learning and Music Adversaries

no code implementations16 Jul 2015 Corey Kereliuk, Bob L. Sturm, Jan Larsen

An adversary is essentially an algorithm intent on making a classification system perform in some particular way given an input, e. g., increase the probability of a false negative.

Object Recognition valid

On Evaluation Validity in Music Autotagging

no code implementations30 Sep 2014 Fabien Gouyon, Bob L. Sturm, Joao Lobato Oliveira, Nuno Hespanhol, Thibault Langlois

Specifically, does the figure of merit, or a comparison of figures of merit, warrant a conclusion about how well autotagging systems have learned to describe music with a specific vocabulary?

Information Retrieval Music Information Retrieval

The GTZAN dataset: Its contents, its faults, their effects on evaluation, and its future use

1 code implementation6 Jun 2013 Bob L. Sturm

The GTZAN dataset appears in at least 100 published works, and is the most-used public dataset for evaluation in machine listening research for music genre recognition (MGR).


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