Search Results for author: Bochen Li

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Jointist: Simultaneous Improvement of Multi-instrument Transcription and Music Source Separation via Joint Training

no code implementations1 Feb 2023 Kin Wai Cheuk, Keunwoo Choi, Qiuqiang Kong, Bochen Li, Minz Won, Ju-Chiang Wang, Yun-Ning Hung, Dorien Herremans

Jointist consists of an instrument recognition module that conditions the other two modules: a transcription module that outputs instrument-specific piano rolls, and a source separation module that utilizes instrument information and transcription results.

Chord Recognition Instrument Recognition +1

Audiovisual Singing Voice Separation

no code implementations1 Jul 2021 Bochen Li, Yuxuan Wang, Zhiyao Duan

Separating a song into vocal and accompaniment components is an active research topic, and recent years witnessed an increased performance from supervised training using deep learning techniques.

GiantMIDI-Piano: A large-scale MIDI dataset for classical piano music

3 code implementations11 Oct 2020 Qiuqiang Kong, Bochen Li, Jitong Chen, Yuxuan Wang

In this article, we create a GiantMIDI-Piano (GP) dataset containing 38, 700, 838 transcribed notes and 10, 855 unique solo piano works composed by 2, 786 composers.

Information Retrieval Music Information Retrieval +1

High-resolution Piano Transcription with Pedals by Regressing Onset and Offset Times

3 code implementations5 Oct 2020 Qiuqiang Kong, Bochen Li, Xuchen Song, Yuan Wan, Yuxuan Wang

In addition, previous AMT systems are sensitive to the misaligned onset and offset labels of audio recordings.

Music Transcription Sound Audio and Speech Processing

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