Search Results for author: Bolin Zhu

Found 5 papers, 5 papers with code

FormulaReasoning: A Dataset for Formula-Based Numerical Reasoning

2 code implementations20 Feb 2024 Xiao Li, Bolin Zhu, Sichen Liu, Yin Zhu, Yiwei Liu, Gong Cheng

The application of formulas is a fundamental ability of humans when addressing numerical reasoning problems.

Data Augmentation High School Physics +2

Universal Multi-modal Entity Alignment via Iteratively Fusing Modality Similarity Paths

1 code implementation9 Oct 2023 Bolin Zhu, Xiaoze Liu, Xin Mao, Zhuo Chen, Lingbing Guo, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang

The objective of Entity Alignment (EA) is to identify equivalent entity pairs from multiple Knowledge Graphs (KGs) and create a more comprehensive and unified KG.

Knowledge Graphs Multi-modal Entity Alignment

Low-Resource Dialogue Summarization with Domain-Agnostic Multi-Source Pretraining

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Yicheng Zou, Bolin Zhu, Xingwu Hu, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang

With the rapid increase in the volume of dialogue data from daily life, there is a growing demand for dialogue summarization.


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