Search Results for author: Bonan Min

Found 40 papers, 11 papers with code

Improving Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis via Conditional Language Adversarial Nets

1 code implementation NAACL (SIGTYP) 2021 Hemanth Kandula, Bonan Min

Sentiment analysis has come a long way for high-resource languages due to the availability of large annotated corpora.

Sentiment Analysis

Taxonomy Builder: a Data-driven and User-centric Tool for Streamlining Taxonomy Construction

no code implementations NAACL (HCINLP) 2022 Mihai Surdeanu, John Hungerford, Yee Seng Chan, Jessica MacBride, Benjamin Gyori, Andrew Zupon, Zheng Tang, Haoling Qiu, Bonan Min, Yan Zverev, Caitlin Hilverman, Max Thomas, Walter Andrews, Keith Alcock, Zeyu Zhang, Michael Reynolds, Steven Bethard, Rebecca Sharp, Egoitz Laparra

An existing domain taxonomy for normalizing content is often assumed when discussing approaches to information extraction, yet often in real-world scenarios there is none. When one does exist, as the information needs shift, it must be continually extended.

Text Summarization

Concept Wikification for COVID-19

1 code implementation EMNLP (NLP-COVID19) 2020 Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Haoling Qiu, Bonan Min

In this paper, we address the problem of concept wikification for COVID-19, which is to automatically recognize mentions of concepts related to COVID-19 in text and resolve them into Wikipedia titles.

Exploring Pre-Trained Transformers and Bilingual Transfer Learning for Arabic Coreference Resolution

1 code implementation CRAC (ACL) 2021 Bonan Min

In this paper, we develop bilingual transfer learning approaches to improve Arabic coreference resolution by leveraging additional English annotation via bilingual or multilingual pre-trained transformers.

coreference-resolution Transfer Learning

Weakly Supervised Subevent Knowledge Acquisition

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Wenlin Yao, Zeyu Dai, Maitreyi Ramaswamy, Bonan Min, Ruihong Huang

We first obtain the initial set of event pairs that are likely to have the subevent relation, by exploiting two observations that 1) subevents are temporally contained by the parent event, and 2) the definitions of the parent event can be used to further guide the identification of subevents.


Annotating Temporal Dependency Graphs via Crowdsourcing

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Jiarui Yao, Haoling Qiu, Bonan Min, Nianwen Xue

We present the construction of a corpus of 500 Wikinews articles annotated with temporal dependency graphs (TDGs) that can be used to train systems to understand temporal relations in text.

Modeling Document-Level Context for Event Detection via Important Context Selection

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Minh Van Nguyen, Nghia Ngo Trung, Bonan Min, Thien Huu Nguyen

To address this issue, we propose a novel method to model document-level context for ED that dynamically selects relevant sentences in the document for the event prediction of the target sentence.

Event Detection Representation Learning +2

Document-Level Event Argument Extraction via Optimal Transport

no code implementations Findings (ACL) 2022 Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Minh Van Nguyen, Franck Dernoncourt, Bonan Min, Thien Nguyen

Event Argument Extraction (EAE) is one of the sub-tasks of event extraction, aiming to recognize the role of each entity mention toward a specific event trigger.

Event Argument Extraction Event Extraction +1

Joint Extraction of Entities, Relations, and Events via Modeling Inter-Instance and Inter-Label Dependencies

no code implementations NAACL 2022 Minh Van Nguyen, Bonan Min, Franck Dernoncourt, Thien Nguyen

However, previous JointIE models often assume heuristic manually-designed dependency between the task instances and mean-field factorization for the joint distribution of instance labels, thus unable to capture optimal dependencies among instances and labels to improve representation learning and IE performance.

Event Argument Extraction Relation Extraction +1

Modal Dependency Parsing via Language Model Priming

1 code implementation NAACL 2022 Jiarui Yao, Nianwen Xue, Bonan Min

The task of modal dependency parsing aims to parse a text into its modal dependency structure, which is a representation for the factuality of events in the text.

Dependency Parsing Language Modeling +1

Open Domain Question Answering with Conflicting Contexts

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Siyi Liu, Qiang Ning, Kishaloy Halder, Wei Xiao, Zheng Qi, Phu Mon Htut, Yi Zhang, Neha Anna John, Bonan Min, Yassine Benajiba, Dan Roth

Open domain question answering systems frequently rely on information retrieved from large collections of text (such as the Web) to answer questions.

Open-Domain Question Answering

QueryBuilder: Human-in-the-Loop Query Development for Information Retrieval

no code implementations7 Sep 2024 Hemanth Kandula, Damianos Karakos, Haoling Qiu, Benjamin Rozonoyer, Ian Soboroff, Lee Tarlin, Bonan Min

We present a novel, interactive system called $\textit{QueryBuilder}$, which allows a novice, English-speaking user to create queries with a small amount of effort, through efficient exploration of an English development corpus in order to rapidly develop cross-lingual information retrieval queries corresponding to the user's information needs.

Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Efficient Exploration +1

Dancing in Chains: Reconciling Instruction Following and Faithfulness in Language Models

1 code implementation31 Jul 2024 Zhengxuan Wu, Yuhao Zhang, Peng Qi, Yumo Xu, Rujun Han, Yian Zhang, Jifan Chen, Bonan Min, Zhiheng Huang

Surprisingly, we find that less is more, as training ReSet with high-quality, yet substantially smaller data (three-fold less) yields superior results.

Instruction Following Multi-Task Learning

RAG-QA Arena: Evaluating Domain Robustness for Long-form Retrieval Augmented Question Answering

1 code implementation19 Jul 2024 Rujun Han, Yuhao Zhang, Peng Qi, Yumo Xu, Jenyuan Wang, Lan Liu, William Yang Wang, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli

Question answering based on retrieval augmented generation (RAG-QA) is an important research topic in NLP and has a wide range of real-world applications.

Domain Generalization Language Modeling +4

Towards a Holistic Evaluation of LLMs on Factual Knowledge Recall

no code implementations24 Apr 2024 Jiaqing Yuan, Lin Pan, Chung-Wei Hang, Jiang Guo, Jiarong Jiang, Bonan Min, Patrick Ng, Zhiguo Wang

By further decoupling model known and unknown knowledge, we find the degradation is attributed to exemplars that contradict a model's known knowledge, as well as the number of such exemplars.


From Instructions to Constraints: Language Model Alignment with Automatic Constraint Verification

no code implementations10 Mar 2024 Fei Wang, Chao Shang, Sarthak Jain, Shuai Wang, Qiang Ning, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli, Yassine Benajiba, Dan Roth

We investigate common constraints in NLP tasks, categorize them into three classes based on the types of their arguments, and propose a unified framework, ACT (Aligning to ConsTraints), to automatically produce supervision signals for user alignment with constraints.

Abstractive Text Summarization Entity Typing +3

A Multi-Modal Multilingual Benchmark for Document Image Classification

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Yoshinari Fujinuma, Siddharth Varia, Nishant Sankaran, Srikar Appalaraju, Bonan Min, Yogarshi Vyas

Document image classification is different from plain-text document classification and consists of classifying a document by understanding the content and structure of documents such as forms, emails, and other such documents.

Classification Document Classification +5

Few-Shot Data-to-Text Generation via Unified Representation and Multi-Source Learning

no code implementations10 Aug 2023 Alexander Hanbo Li, Mingyue Shang, Evangelia Spiliopoulou, Jie Ma, Patrick Ng, Zhiguo Wang, Bonan Min, William Wang, Kathleen McKeown, Vittorio Castelli, Dan Roth, Bing Xiang

We present a novel approach for structured data-to-text generation that addresses the limitations of existing methods that primarily focus on specific types of structured data.

Data-to-Text Generation

Textual Entailment for Event Argument Extraction: Zero- and Few-Shot with Multi-Source Learning

1 code implementation Findings (NAACL) 2022 Oscar Sainz, Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Bonan Min, Eneko Agirre

In this work we show that entailment is also effective in Event Argument Extraction (EAE), reducing the need of manual annotation to 50% and 20% in ACE and WikiEvents respectively, while achieving the same performance as with full training.

Event Argument Extraction Natural Language Inference +2

ZS4IE: A toolkit for Zero-Shot Information Extraction with simple Verbalizations

2 code implementations NAACL (ACL) 2022 Oscar Sainz, Haoling Qiu, Oier Lopez de Lacalle, Eneko Agirre, Bonan Min

The current workflow for Information Extraction (IE) analysts involves the definition of the entities/relations of interest and a training corpus with annotated examples.

Natural Language Inference Zero-Shot Learning

FAMIE: A Fast Active Learning Framework for Multilingual Information Extraction

1 code implementation NAACL (ACL) 2022 Minh Van Nguyen, Nghia Trung Ngo, Bonan Min, Thien Huu Nguyen

FAMIE is designed to address a fundamental problem in existing AL frameworks where annotators need to wait for a long time between annotation batches due to the time-consuming nature of model training and data selection at each AL iteration.

Active Learning Knowledge Distillation

Factuality Assessment as Modal Dependency Parsing

1 code implementation ACL 2021 Jiarui Yao, Haoling Qiu, Jin Zhao, Bonan Min, Nianwen Xue

In this paper, we frame factuality assessment as a modal dependency parsing task that identifies the events and their sources, formally known as conceivers, and then determine the level of certainty that the sources are asserting with respect to the events.

Dependency Parsing Fact Checking

Exploring Contextualized Neural Language Models for Temporal Dependency Parsing

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Hayley Ross, Jonathon Cai, Bonan Min

Extracting temporal relations between events and time expressions has many applications such as constructing event timelines and time-related question answering.

Dependency Parsing Question Answering +1

Towards Machine Reading for Interventions from Humanitarian-Assistance Program Literature

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Bonan Min, Yee Seng Chan, Haoling Qiu, Joshua Fasching

Solving long-lasting problems such as food insecurity requires a comprehensive understanding of interventions applied by governments and international humanitarian assistance organizations, and their results and consequences.

Humanitarian Reading Comprehension

Rapid Customization for Event Extraction

no code implementations ACL 2019 Yee Seng Chan, Joshua Fasching, Haoling Qiu, Bonan Min

We present a system for rapidly customizing event extraction capability to find new event types and their arguments.

Event Extraction

Challenges in the Knowledge Base Population Slot Filling Task

no code implementations LREC 2012 Bonan Min, Ralph Grishman

The Knowledge Based Population (KBP) evaluation track of the Text Analysis Conferences (TAC) has been held for the past 3 years.

Diversity Entity Linking +6

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