Search Results for author: Boris Katz

Found 30 papers, 10 papers with code

Revealing Vision-Language Integration in the Brain with Multimodal Networks

1 code implementation20 Jun 2024 Vighnesh Subramaniam, Colin Conwell, Christopher Wang, Gabriel Kreiman, Boris Katz, Ignacio Cases, Andrei Barbu

We operationalize sites of multimodal integration as regions where a multimodal vision-language model predicts recordings better than unimodal language, unimodal vision, or linearly-integrated language-vision models.

Contrastive Learning Language Modelling

SecureLLM: Using Compositionality to Build Provably Secure Language Models for Private, Sensitive, and Secret Data

1 code implementation16 May 2024 Abdulrahman Alabdulkareem, Christian M Arnold, Yerim Lee, Pieter M Feenstra, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

We reflect the compositional nature of such security mechanisms back into the structure of LLMs to build a provably secure LLM; that we term SecureLLM.


Query The Agent: Improving sample efficiency through epistemic uncertainty estimation

no code implementations5 Oct 2022 Julian Alverio, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

Curricula for goal-conditioned reinforcement learning agents typically rely on poor estimates of the agent's epistemic uncertainty or fail to consider the agents' epistemic uncertainty altogether, resulting in poor sample efficiency.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Neural Regression, Representational Similarity, Model Zoology & Neural Taskonomy at Scale in Rodent Visual Cortex

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Colin Conwell, David Mayo, Andrei Barbu, Michael Buice, George Alvarez, Boris Katz

Using our benchmark as an atlas, we offer preliminary answers to overarching questions about levels of analysis (e. g. do models that better predict the representations of individual neurons also predict representational similarity across neural populations?

Benchmarking Object Recognition +1

Trajectory Prediction with Linguistic Representations

no code implementations19 Oct 2021 Yen-Ling Kuo, Xin Huang, Andrei Barbu, Stephen G. McGill, Boris Katz, John J. Leonard, Guy Rosman

Language allows humans to build mental models that interpret what is happening around them resulting in more accurate long-term predictions.

Trajectory Prediction

Spoken ObjectNet: A Bias-Controlled Spoken Caption Dataset

1 code implementation14 Oct 2021 Ian Palmer, Andrew Rouditchenko, Andrei Barbu, Boris Katz, James Glass

These results show that models trained on other datasets and then evaluated on Spoken ObjectNet tend to perform poorly due to biases in other datasets that the models have learned.

Image Retrieval Language Modelling +1

PHASE: PHysically-grounded Abstract Social Events for Machine Social Perception

no code implementations NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2020 Aviv Netanyahu, Tianmin Shu, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

The ability to perceive and reason about social interactions in the context of physical environments is core to human social intelligence and human-machine cooperation.

Migratable AI: Personalizing Dialog Conversations with migration context

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Ravi Tejwani, Boris Katz, Cynthia Breazeal

The migration of conversational AI agents across different embodiments in order to maintain the continuity of the task has been recently explored to further improve user experience.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Migratable AI : Investigating users' affect on identity and information migration of a conversational AI agent

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Ravi Tejwani, Boris Katz, Cynthia Breazeal

Conversational AI agents are becoming ubiquitous and provide assistance to us in our everyday activities.

AI Agent

Learning a natural-language to LTL executable semantic parser for grounded robotics

no code implementations7 Aug 2020 Christopher Wang, Candace Ross, Yen-Ling Kuo, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

We take a step toward robots that can do the same by training a grounded semantic parser, which discovers latent linguistic representations that can be used for the execution of natural-language commands.


Compositional Networks Enable Systematic Generalization for Grounded Language Understanding

1 code implementation Findings (EMNLP) 2021 Yen-Ling Kuo, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

Recent work has shown that while deep networks can mimic some human language abilities when presented with novel sentences, systematic variation uncovers the limitations in the language-understanding abilities of networks.

Systematic Generalization

Encoding formulas as deep networks: Reinforcement learning for zero-shot execution of LTL formulas

1 code implementation1 Jun 2020 Yen-Ling Kuo, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

We demonstrate a reinforcement learning agent which uses a compositional recurrent neural network that takes as input an LTL formula and determines satisfying actions.

Multi-Task Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

Investigating the Decoders of Maximum Likelihood Sequence Models: A Look-ahead Approach

no code implementations8 Mar 2020 Yu-Siang Wang, Yen-Ling Kuo, Boris Katz

We evaluate our look-ahead module on three datasets of varying difficulties: IM2LATEX-100k OCR image to LaTeX, WMT16 multimodal machine translation, and WMT14 machine translation.

Multimodal Machine Translation Optical Character Recognition (OCR) +2

Measuring Social Biases in Grounded Vision and Language Embeddings

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Candace Ross, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

We generalize the notion of social biases from language embeddings to grounded vision and language embeddings.

Word Embeddings

Deep compositional robotic planners that follow natural language commands

no code implementations12 Feb 2020 Yen-Ling Kuo, Boris Katz, Andrei Barbu

We demonstrate how a sampling-based robotic planner can be augmented to learn to understand a sequence of natural language commands in a continuous configuration space to move and manipulate objects.

ObjectNet: A large-scale bias-controlled dataset for pushing the limits of object recognition models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Andrei Barbu, David Mayo, Julian Alverio, William Luo, Christopher Wang, Dan Gutfreund, Josh Tenenbaum, Boris Katz

Although we focus on object recognition here, data with controls can be gathered at scale using automated tools throughout machine learning to generate datasets that exercise models in new ways thus providing valuable feedback to researchers.

Ranked #51 on Image Classification on ObjectNet (using extra training data)

BIG-bench Machine Learning Image Classification +2

Complex Relations in a Deep Structured Prediction Model for Fine Image Segmentation

no code implementations24 May 2018 Cristina Mata, Guy Ben-Yosef, Boris Katz

Many deep learning architectures for semantic segmentation involve a Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCN) followed by a Conditional Random Field (CRF) to carry out inference over an image.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +2

Assessing Language Proficiency from Eye Movements in Reading

no code implementations NAACL 2018 Yevgeni Berzak, Boris Katz, Roger Levy

We present a novel approach for determining learners' second language proficiency which utilizes behavioral traces of eye movements during reading.

Predicting Native Language from Gaze

no code implementations ACL 2017 Yevgeni Berzak, Chie Nakamura, Suzanne Flynn, Boris Katz

A fundamental question in language learning concerns the role of a speaker's first language in second language acquisition.

Language Acquisition

Anchoring and Agreement in Syntactic Annotations

no code implementations EMNLP 2016 Yevgeni Berzak, Yan Huang, Andrei Barbu, Anna Korhonen, Boris Katz

Our agreement results control for parser bias, and are consequential in that they are on par with state of the art parsing performance for English newswire.

Decision Making Dependency Parsing

Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities

no code implementations EMNLP 2015 Yevgeni Berzak, Andrei Barbu, Daniel Harari, Boris Katz, Shimon Ullman

Understanding language goes hand in hand with the ability to integrate complex contextual information obtained via perception.


Reconstructing Native Language Typology from Foreign Language Usage

no code implementations WS 2014 Yevgeni Berzak, Roi Reichart, Boris Katz

Linguists and psychologists have long been studying cross-linguistic transfer, the influence of native language properties on linguistic performance in a foreign language.

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