Search Results for author: Boris Kozinsky

Found 16 papers, 9 papers with code

A Recipe for Charge Density Prediction

no code implementations29 May 2024 Xiang Fu, Andrew Rosen, Kyle Bystrom, Rui Wang, Albert Musaelian, Boris Kozinsky, Tess Smidt, Tommi Jaakkola

In density functional theory, charge density is the core attribute of atomic systems from which all chemical properties can be derived.


Phase discovery with active learning: Application to structural phase transitions in equiatomic NiTi

no code implementations10 Jan 2024 Jonathan Vandermause, Anders Johansson, Yucong Miao, Joost J. Vlassak, Boris Kozinsky

Here, we train four machine-learned force fields for equiatomic NiTi based on the LDA, PBE, PBEsol, and SCAN DFT functionals.

Active Learning

Learning Interatomic Potentials at Multiple Scales

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Xiang Fu, Albert Musaelian, Anders Johansson, Tommi Jaakkola, Boris Kozinsky

When running MD, the MTS integrator then evaluates the smaller model for every time step and the larger model less frequently, accelerating simulation.

Scaling the leading accuracy of deep equivariant models to biomolecular simulations of realistic size

1 code implementation20 Apr 2023 Albert Musaelian, Anders Johansson, Simon Batzner, Boris Kozinsky

This work brings the leading accuracy, sample efficiency, and robustness of deep equivariant neural networks to the extreme computational scale.

Fast Uncertainty Estimates in Deep Learning Interatomic Potentials

1 code implementation17 Nov 2022 Albert Zhu, Simon Batzner, Albert Musaelian, Boris Kozinsky

This incurs a large computational overhead in both training and prediction that often results in order-of-magnitude more expensive predictions.

Active Learning Deep Learning +1

The Design Space of E(3)-Equivariant Atom-Centered Interatomic Potentials

3 code implementations13 May 2022 Ilyes Batatia, Simon Batzner, Dávid Péter Kovács, Albert Musaelian, Gregor N. C. Simm, Ralf Drautz, Christoph Ortner, Boris Kozinsky, Gábor Csányi

The rapid progress of machine learning interatomic potentials over the past couple of years produced a number of new architectures.

Learning Local Equivariant Representations for Large-Scale Atomistic Dynamics

3 code implementations11 Apr 2022 Albert Musaelian, Simon Batzner, Anders Johansson, Lixin Sun, Cameron J. Owen, Mordechai Kornbluth, Boris Kozinsky

This work introduces Allegro, a strictly local equivariant deep learning interatomic potential that simultaneously exhibits excellent accuracy and scalability of parallel computation.

Atomic Forces

Anomalous thermoelectric transport phenomena from interband electron-phonon scattering

no code implementations11 Mar 2021 Natalya S. Fedorova, Andrea Cepellotti, Boris Kozinsky

The Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity are two critical quantities to optimize simultaneously in designing thermoelectric materials, and they are determined by the dynamics of carrier scattering.

Materials Science

E(3)-Equivariant Graph Neural Networks for Data-Efficient and Accurate Interatomic Potentials

2 code implementations8 Jan 2021 Simon Batzner, Albert Musaelian, Lixin Sun, Mario Geiger, Jonathan P. Mailoa, Mordechai Kornbluth, Nicola Molinari, Tess E. Smidt, Boris Kozinsky

This work presents Neural Equivariant Interatomic Potentials (NequIP), an E(3)-equivariant neural network approach for learning interatomic potentials from ab-initio calculations for molecular dynamics simulations.

Multitask machine learning of collective variables for enhanced sampling of rare events

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Lixin Sun, Jonathan Vandermause, Simon Batzner, Yu Xie, David Clark, Wei Chen, Boris Kozinsky

Computing accurate reaction rates is a central challenge in computational chemistry and biology because of the high cost of free energy estimation with unbiased molecular dynamics.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Computational chemistry +1

Bayesian Force Fields from Active Learning for Simulation of Inter-Dimensional Transformation of Stanene

3 code implementations26 Aug 2020 Yu Xie, Jonathan Vandermause, Lixin Sun, Andrea Cepellotti, Boris Kozinsky

We present a way to dramatically accelerate Gaussian process models for interatomic force fields based on many-body kernels by mapping both forces and uncertainties onto functions of low-dimensional features.

Active Learning

Charge density and redox potential of LiNiO2 using ab initio diffusion quantum Monte Carlo

1 code implementation5 Nov 2019 Kayahan Saritas, Eric R. Fadel, Boris Kozinsky, Jeffrey C. Grossman

Electronic structure of layered LiNiO2 has been controversial despite numerous theoretical and experimental reports regarding its nature.

Materials Science

Fast Neural Network Approach for Direct Covariant Forces Prediction in Complex Multi-Element Extended Systems

no code implementations7 May 2019 Jonathan P. Mailoa, Mordechai Kornbluth, Simon L. Batzner, Georgy Samsonidze, Stephen T. Lam, Chris Ablitt, Nicola Molinari, Boris Kozinsky

Neural network force field (NNFF) is a method for performing regression on atomic structure-force relationships, bypassing expensive quantum mechanics calculation which prevents the execution of long ab-initio quality molecular dynamics simulations.

Atomic Forces

On-the-Fly Bayesian Active Learning of Interpretable Force-Fields for Atomistic Rare Events

1 code implementation3 Apr 2019 Jonathan Vandermause, Steven B. Torrisi, Simon Batzner, Alexie M. Kolpak, Boris Kozinsky

Machine learning based interatomic potentials currently require manual construction of training sets consisting of thousands of first principles calculations and are often restricted to single-component and nonreactive systems.

Computational Physics Materials Science

Accelerated screening of thermoelectric materials by first-principles computations of electron-phonon scattering

1 code implementation25 Nov 2015 Georgy Samsonidze, Boris Kozinsky

Recent discovery of new materials for thermoelectric energy conversion is enabled by efficient prediction of materials' performance from first-principles, without empirically fitted parameters.

Materials Science

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