Search Results for author: Boxun Li

Found 15 papers, 6 papers with code

PKU-SafeRLHF: Towards Multi-Level Safety Alignment for LLMs with Human Preference

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Jiaming Ji, Donghai Hong, Borong Zhang, Boyuan Chen, Josef Dai, Boren Zheng, Tianyi Qiu, Boxun Li, Yaodong Yang

In this work, we introduce the PKU-SafeRLHF dataset, designed to promote research on safety alignment in large language models (LLMs).

Question Answering Safety Alignment

LV-Eval: A Balanced Long-Context Benchmark with 5 Length Levels Up to 256K

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Tao Yuan, Xuefei Ning, Dong Zhou, Zhijie Yang, Shiyao Li, Minghui Zhuang, Zheyue Tan, Zhuyu Yao, Dahua Lin, Boxun Li, Guohao Dai, Shengen Yan, Yu Wang

In contrast, the average context lengths of mainstream benchmarks are insufficient (5k-21k), and they suffer from potential knowledge leakage and inaccurate metrics, resulting in biased evaluation.

16k Benchmarking

GaitFormer: Revisiting Intrinsic Periodicity for Gait Recognition

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Qian Wu, Ruixuan Xiao, Kaixin Xu, Jingcheng Ni, Boxun Li, Ziyao Xu

The second component is the Temporal Aggregation Module (TAM), which separates embeddings into trend and seasonal components, and extracts meaningful temporal correlations to identify primary components, while filtering out random noise.

Gait Recognition

Tracking Objects as Pixel-wise Distributions

1 code implementation12 Jul 2022 Zelin Zhao, Ze Wu, Yueqing Zhuang, Boxun Li, Jiaya Jia

During inference, a pixel-wise association procedure is proposed to recover object connections through frames based on the pixel-wise prediction.

Multi-Object Tracking Object

Learning Context-Aware Embedding for Person Search

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Shihui Chen, Yueqing Zhuang, Boxun Li

Person Search is a relevant task that aims to jointly solve Person Detection and Person Re-identification(re-ID).

Human Detection Person Re-Identification +2

Efficient DETR: Improving End-to-End Object Detector with Dense Prior

no code implementations3 Apr 2021 Zhuyu Yao, Jiangbo Ai, Boxun Li, Chi Zhang

By taking advantage of both dense detection and sparse set detection, Efficient DETR leverages dense prior to initialize the object containers and brings the gap of the 1-decoder structure and 6-decoder structure.

Decoder Object +2

CrowdHuman: A Benchmark for Detecting Human in a Crowd

1 code implementation30 Apr 2018 Shuai Shao, Zijian Zhao, Boxun Li, Tete Xiao, Gang Yu, Xiangyu Zhang, Jian Sun

There are a total of $470K$ human instances from the train and validation subsets, and $~22. 6$ persons per image, with various kinds of occlusions in the dataset.

Ranked #7 on Pedestrian Detection on Caltech (using extra training data)

Diversity Human Detection +2

SFace: An Efficient Network for Face Detection in Large Scale Variations

no code implementations18 Apr 2018 Jianfeng Wang, Ye Yuan, Boxun Li, Gang Yu, Sun Jian

A new dataset called 4K-Face is also introduced to evaluate the performance of face detection with extreme large scale variations.

4k Face Detection +1

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