Search Results for author: Boyan Gao

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Aquila2 Technical Report

2 code implementations14 Aug 2024 Bo-Wen Zhang, Liangdong Wang, Jijie Li, Shuhao Gu, Xinya Wu, Zhengduo Zhang, Boyan Gao, Yulong Ao, Guang Liu

This paper introduces the Aquila2 series, which comprises a wide range of bilingual models with parameter sizes of 7, 34, and 70 billion.


FE-Adapter: Adapting Image-based Emotion Classifiers to Videos

no code implementations5 Aug 2024 Shreyank N Gowda, Boyan Gao, David A. Clifton

This breakthrough highlights the potential for cross-modality approaches in enhancing the capabilities of AI models, particularly in fields like video emotion analysis where the demand for efficiency and accuracy is constantly rising.

Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Transfer Learning +2

SpikeLLM: Scaling up Spiking Neural Network to Large Language Models via Saliency-based Spiking

1 code implementation5 Jul 2024 Xingrun Xing, Boyan Gao, Zheng Zhang, David A. Clifton, Shitao Xiao, Li Du, Guoqi Li, Jiajun Zhang

In contrast, human brains, which contain approximately 86 billion biological neurons, exhibit significantly greater energy efficiency compared to LLMs with a similar number of parameters.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

Meta Mirror Descent: Optimiser Learning for Fast Convergence

no code implementations5 Mar 2022 Boyan Gao, Henry Gouk, Hae Beom Lee, Timothy M. Hospedales

The resulting framework, termed Meta Mirror Descent (MetaMD), learns to accelerate optimisation speed.


Loss Function Learning for Domain Generalization by Implicit Gradient

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Boyan Gao, Henry Gouk, Yongxin Yang, Timothy Hospedales

We take a different approach, and explore the impact of the ERM loss function on out-of-domain generalisation.

Domain Generalization Meta-Learning

Searching for Robustness: Loss Learning for Noisy Classification Tasks

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Boyan Gao, Henry Gouk, Timothy M. Hospedales

We present a "learning to learn" approach for automatically constructing white-box classification loss functions that are robust to label noise in the training data.

Classification General Classification

Deep clustering with concrete k-means

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Boyan Gao, Yongxin Yang, Henry Gouk, Timothy M. Hospedales

We address the problem of simultaneously learning a k-means clustering and deep feature representation from unlabelled data, which is of interest due to the potential of deep k-means to outperform traditional two-step feature extraction and shallow-clustering strategies.

Clustering Deep Clustering +1

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