Search Results for author: Brandon B. May

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Theia: Distilling Diverse Vision Foundation Models for Robot Learning

1 code implementation29 Jul 2024 Jinghuan Shang, Karl Schmeckpeper, Brandon B. May, Maria Vittoria Minniti, Tarik Kelestemur, David Watkins, Laura Herlant

Vision-based robot policy learning, which maps visual inputs to actions, necessitates a holistic understanding of diverse visual tasks beyond single-task needs like classification or segmentation.

Salient Conditional Diffusion for Defending Against Backdoor Attacks

no code implementations31 Jan 2023 Brandon B. May, N. Joseph Tatro, Dylan Walker, Piyush Kumar, Nathan Shnidman

We propose a novel algorithm, Salient Conditional Diffusion (Sancdifi), a state-of-the-art defense against backdoor attacks.


Explainable Face Recognition

1 code implementation ECCV 2020 Jonathan R. Williford, Brandon B. May, Jeffrey Byrne

Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive benchmark on this dataset comparing five state of the art methods for network attention in face recognition on three facial matchers.

Face Recognition Triplet

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