no code implementations • 11 Sep 2020 • Jason Wittenbach, Brian d'Alessandro, C. Bayan Bruss
Temporal data are ubiquitous in the financial services (FS) industry -- traditional data like economic indicators, operational data such as bank account transactions, and modern data sources like website clickstreams -- all of these occur as a time-indexed sequence.
no code implementations • 21 Jul 2019 • Brian d'Alessandro, Cathy O'Neil, Tom LaGatta
Recent research has helped to cultivate growing awareness that machine learning systems fueled by big data can create or exacerbate troubling disparities in society.
no code implementations • 21 Jul 2016 • Julie Moeyersoms, Brian d'Alessandro, Foster Provost, David Martens
We evaluate these alternatives in terms of explanation "bang for the buck,", i. e., how many examples' inferences are explained for a given number of features listed.