Search Results for author: Bruno Clerckx

Found 58 papers, 2 papers with code

Uplink Rate Splitting Multiple Access with Imperfect Channel State Information and Interference Cancellation

no code implementations31 Jan 2025 Farjam Karim, Nurul Huda Mahmood, Arthur S. de Sena, Deepak Kumar, Bruno Clerckx, Matti Latva-aho

Finally, our comparison with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) highlights the outage performance trade-offs between RSMA and NOMA.

Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Multi-Carrier RF Wireless Power Transfer

no code implementations3 Jan 2025 Amirhossein Azarbahram, Onel L. A. López, Bruno Clerckx, Marco Di Renzo, Matti Latva-aho

Motivated by this, we consider a single-input single-output BD-RIS-aided RF-WPT system and we formulate a joint beamforming and waveform optimization problem aiming to maximize the harvested power at the receiver.

Optimization of Beyond Diagonal RIS: A Universal Framework Applicable to Arbitrary Architectures

no code implementations20 Dec 2024 Zheyu Wu, Bruno Clerckx

We also compare the performance of various BD-RIS architectures in MU-MISO systems using the proposed approach, which has not been explored before due to the lack of an architecture-independent framework.

Computational Efficiency

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Integrated Sensing and Communications: A First Experimental Study

no code implementations16 Dec 2024 Xinze Lyu, Sundar Aditya, Bruno Clerckx

A canonical use case of Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems involves a multi-antenna transmitter communicating with $K$ users and sensing targets in its vicinity.

A Decoupled Channel Estimation Method for Beyond Diagonal RIS

no code implementations9 Dec 2024 Bruno Sokal, Fazal-E-Asim, André L. F. de Almeida, Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx

Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) is a new architecture for RIS where elements are interconnected to provide more wave manipulation flexibility than traditional single connected RIS, enhancing data rate and coverage.

Non-reciprocal Beyond Diagonal RIS: Sum-Rate Maximization in Full-Duplex Communications

no code implementations27 Nov 2024 Ziang Liu, Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx

In this paper, we model the BD RIS-assisted FD systems, where the impact of BD-RIS non-reciprocity and that of structural scattering, which refers to the specular reflection generated by RIS when the RIS is turned OFF, are explicitly captured.

Non-Reciprocal Beyond Diagonal RIS: Multiport Network Models and Performance Benefits in Full-Duplex Systems

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx

With the considered channel model, we investigate the effect of BD-RIS non-reciprocity and identify the theoretical conditions for reciprocal and non-reciprocal BD-RISs to simultaneously achieve the maximum received power of the signal of interest in the uplink and the downlink.

Beyond Diagonal RIS: Passive Maximum Ratio Transmission and Interference Nulling Enabler

no code implementations19 Aug 2024 Hamad Yahya, Hongyu Li, Matteo Nerini, Bruno Clerckx, Merouane Debbah

In addition, at moderate to high signal to noise ratios (SNRs), passive interference nulling reduces the complexity at the BS by relaxing the need for precoding or water-filling power allocation design.

Channel Estimation for Beyond Diagonal RIS via Tensor Decomposition

no code implementations29 Jul 2024 André L. F. de Almeida, Bruno Sokal, Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx

Specifically, while the first enjoys fast and parallel extraction of the channel estimates in closed form, the second has a more flexible training design, allowing for a significantly reduced training overhead compared to the state-of-the-art LS method.

Tensor Decomposition

Channel Shaping Using Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Analysis, Optimization, and Enhanced Flexibility

1 code implementation21 Jul 2024 Yang Zhao, Hongyu Li, Massimo Franceschetti, Bruno Clerckx

This paper investigates the capability of a passive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) to redistribute the singular values of point-to-point Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels for achieving power and rate gains.

Meta-Learning Based Optimization for Large Scale Wireless Systems

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Rafael Cerna Loli, Bruno Clerckx

Therefore, in the large scale regime, the astronomically large complexity of these optimization algorithms prohibits their use and prevents assessing large scale wireless systems performance under optimized conditions.


Full-Space Wireless Sensing Enabled by Multi-Sector Intelligent Surfaces

no code implementations22 Jun 2024 Yumeng Zhang, Xiaodan Shao, Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx, Rui Zhang

The multi-sector intelligent surface (IS), benefiting from a smarter wave manipulation capability, has been shown to enhance channel gain and offer full-space coverage in communications.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Overloaded Multi-group Multicast: A First Experimental Study

no code implementations21 Jun 2024 Xinze Lyu, Sundar Aditya, Bruno Clerckx

Over these cases, we observe that RSMA-based MGM achieves fairness at a higher throughput for each group than SDMA- and NOMA-based MGM.

Fairness Federated Learning

Full-Duplex Beyond Self-Interference: The Unlimited Sensing Way

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Ziang Liu, Ayush Bhandari, Bruno Clerckx

The success of full-stack full-duplex communication systems depends on how effectively one can achieve digital self-interference cancellation (SIC).


Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Non-Orthogonal Unicast Multicast: An Experimental Study

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Xinze Lyu, Sundar Aditya, Bruno Clerckx

Non-orthogonal unicast multicast (NOUM) is a variant of multi-antenna multi-user communications where the users desire a shared message (multicast) in addition to their respective unique messages (unicast).

Channel Estimation and Beamforming for Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

no code implementations26 Mar 2024 Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Yumeng Zhang, Bruno Clerckx

In this paper, we study channel estimation and beamforming design for BD-RIS aided multi-antenna systems.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Quantized ISAC LEO Satellite Systems: A Max-Min Fair Energy-Efficient Beam Design

no code implementations14 Feb 2024 Ziang Liu, Longfei Yin, Wonjae Shin, Bruno Clerckx

Currently, two fundamental challenges, namely, inter-beam interference among users and power limitation at the LEO satellites, limit the full potential of the joint design of sensing and communication.

Fairness Quantization

Multi-functional OFDM Signal Design for Integrated Sensing, Communications, and Power Transfer

no code implementations31 Oct 2023 Yumeng Zhang, Sundar Aditya, Bruno Clerckx

To characterize the ISCAP performance region, we assume symbols with non-zero mean asymmetric Gaussian distribution (i. e., the input distribution), and optimize its mean and variance at each subcarrier to maximize the harvested power, subject to constraints on the achievable rate (communications) and the average side-to-peak-lobe difference (sensing).

Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Mutual Coupling: Modeling and Optimization

no code implementations4 Oct 2023 Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Matteo Nerini, Marco Di Renzo, Bruno Clerckx

This work studies the modeling and optimization of beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) aided wireless communication systems in the presence of mutual coupling among the RIS elements.

A Meta-Learning Based Precoder Optimization Framework for Rate-Splitting Multiple Access

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Rafael Cerna Loli, Bruno Clerckx

In this letter, we propose the use of a meta-learning based precoder optimization framework to directly optimize the Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) precoders with partial Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT).


Channel Estimation for Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Group-Connected Architectures

no code implementations12 Jul 2023 Hongyu Li, Yumeng Zhang, Bruno Clerckx

We study channel estimation for a beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) aided multiple input single output system.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: The First Prototype and Experimental Validation of its Superiority over SDMA and NOMA

no code implementations12 May 2023 Xinze Lyu, Sundar Aditya, JungHoon Kim, Bruno Clerckx

In multi-user multi-antenna communications, it is well-known in theory that Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) can achieve a higher spectral efficiency than both Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA).


Input Distribution Optimization in OFDM Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems

no code implementations11 May 2023 Yumeng Zhang, Sundar Aditya, Bruno Clerckx

However, the overall power allocation (i. e., the sum of mean and variance) across the OFDM subcarriers and symbols is similar to (1).

Integrated Sensing and Communications Enabled Low Earth Orbit Satellite Systems

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Longfei Yin, Ziang Liu, Bhavani Shankar M. R., Mohammad Alaee-Kerahroodi, Bruno Clerckx

Extreme crowding of electromagnetic spectrum in recent years has led to the challenges in designing sensing and communications systems.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-user Massive MIMO with Channel Aging

no code implementations14 Feb 2023 Zhenyuan Feng, Bruno Clerckx

The design of beamforming for downlink multi-user massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) relies on accurate downlink channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter (CSIT).

Deep Reinforcement Learning Management +2

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer

no code implementations13 Jan 2023 Chengzhong Tian, Yijie Mao, Kangchun Zhao, Yuanming Shi, Bruno Clerckx

Numerical results show that by marrying the benefits of RSMA and RIS, the proposed RIS empowered RSMA achieves a better tradeoff between the WSR of IRs and energy harvested at ERs.

A Dual-Function Radar-Communication System Empowered by Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Bowen Wang, Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Ziyang Cheng, Bruno Clerckx

This work focuses on the use of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) in dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) systems to improve communication capacity and sensing precision, and enhance coverage for both functions.

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces 2.0: Beyond Diagonal Phase Shift Matrices

no code implementations9 Jan 2023 Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Matteo Nerini, Bruno Clerckx

Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has been envisioned as a promising technique to enable and enhance future wireless communications due to its potential to engineer the wireless channels in a cost-effective manner.

Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming Design in Full-Duplex Integrated Sensing and Communications

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Ziang Liu, Sundar Aditya, Hongyu Li, Bruno Clerckx

Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has been envisioned as a solution to realize the sensing capability required for emerging applications in wireless networks, while efficiently utilizing the available spectral, hardware and energy resources.

A Dynamic Grouping Strategy for Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Hybrid Transmitting and Reflecting Mode

no code implementations5 Oct 2022 Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Bruno Clerckx

Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) is a novel branch of RIS which breaks through the limitation of traditional RIS with diagonal scattering matrices.

Overhead-Free Blockage Detection and Precoding Through Physics-Based Graph Neural Networks: LIDAR Data Meets Ray Tracing

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Matteo Nerini, Bruno Clerckx

In this letter, we address blockage detection and precoder design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) links, without communication overhead required.

Graph Neural Network

Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Multi-Sector Mode Enabling Highly Directional Full-Space Wireless Coverage

no code implementations1 Sep 2022 Hongyu Li, Shanpu Shen, Bruno Clerckx

With the proposed model, we first derive the scaling law of the received signal power for a multi-sector BD-RIS-assisted single-user system.

Learning Representations for CSI Adaptive Quantization and Feedback

no code implementations13 Jul 2022 Valentina Rizzello, Matteo Nerini, Michael Joham, Bruno Clerckx, Wolfgang Utschick

In this work, we propose an efficient method for channel state information (CSI) adaptive quantization and feedback in frequency division duplexing (FDD) systems.


Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G -- Part III: Interplay with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

no code implementations4 May 2022 Hongyu Li, Yijie Mao, Onur Dizdar, Bruno Clerckx

This letter is the third part of a three-part tutorial that focuses on rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) for 6G.

Model-based Deep Learning Receiver Design for Rate-Splitting Multiple Access

no code implementations2 May 2022 Rafael Cerna Loli, Onur Dizdar, Bruno Clerckx, Cong Ling

Effective and adaptive interference management is required in next generation wireless communication systems.


Waveform Design for Wireless Power Transfer with Power Amplifier and Energy Harvester Non-Linearities

no code implementations2 Apr 2022 Yumeng Zhang, Bruno Clerckx

Current research has optimized transmit waveform, adaptive to channel state information (CSI), to maximize the harvested power in WPT while accounting for energy harvester (EH)'s non-linearity.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Multi-Antenna Joint Radar and Communications with Partial CSIT: Precoder Optimization and Link-Level Simulations

no code implementations25 Jan 2022 Rafael Cerna Loli, Onur Dizdar, Bruno Clerckx

To achieve this, the proposed DFRC marries the capabilities of a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar with Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA).


Rate-Splitting assisted Massive Machine-Type Communications in Cell-Free Massive MIMO

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Anup Mishra, Yijie Mao, Luca Sanguinetti, Bruno Clerckx

This letter focuses on integrating rate-splitting multiple-access (RSMA) with time-division-duplex Cell-free Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) for massive machine-type communications.

Waveform Optimization for Wireless Power Transfer with Power Amplifier and Energy Harvester Non-Linearities

no code implementations28 Nov 2021 Yumeng Zhang, Bruno Clerckx

Waveform optimization has recently been shown to be a key technique to boost the efficiency and range of far-field wireless power transfer (WPT).

Closed-Loop Wireless Power Transfer with Adaptive Waveform and Beamforming: Design, Prototype, and Experiment

no code implementations7 Jun 2021 Shanpu Shen, JungHoon Kim, Bruno Clerckx

The transmitter sweeps through the codebook and then the receiver feeds back the index of the optimal codeword, so that the waveform and beamforming can be adapted to the multipath fading channel to maximize the output dc power without requiring explicit channel estimation and the knowledge of accurate Channel State Information.

A Rate-Splitting Strategy to Enable Joint Radar Sensing and Communication with Partial CSIT

no code implementations3 May 2021 Rafael Cerna-Loli, Onur Dizdar, Bruno Clerckx

In order to manage the increasing interference between radar and communication systems, joint radar and communication (RadCom) systems have attracted increased attention in recent years, with the studies so far considering the assumption of perfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT).

Fairness Management

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Joint Radar-Communications with Low-Resolution DACs

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Onur Dizdar, Aryan Kaushik, Bruno Clerckx, Christos Masouros

In this paper, we introduce the design of a multi-antenna Joint Radar-Communication (JRC) system with Rate Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) and low resolution Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) units.

Joint Radar-Communication

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Multi-Antenna Joint Radar and Communications

no code implementations14 Mar 2021 Chengcheng Xu, Bruno Clerckx, Shiwa Chen, Yijie Mao, Jianyun Zhang

In this work, we propose a powerful and unified multi-antenna DFRC transmission framework, where an additional radar sequence is transmitted apart from communication streams to enhance radar beampattern matching capability, and Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) is adopted to better manage the interference.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Multigateway Multibeam Satellite Systems with Feeder Link Interference

no code implementations11 Feb 2021 Zhi Wen Si, Longfei Yin, Bruno Clerckx

In this paper, we formulate the MMF problem subject to per-antenna power constraints at the satellite for the system with imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT).

Fairness Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Multi-Antenna Joint Radar and Communications: Precoder Optimization and Weighted Sum-Rate vs Probing Power Tradeoff

no code implementations28 Jan 2021 Chengcheng Xu, Bruno Clerckx, Jianyun Zhang

The tradeoffs between WSR and probing power at target are compared among both proposed transmissions and two practically simpler dual-function implementations i. e., time division and frequency division.

Waveform and Beamforming Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Power Transfer: Single-User and Multi-User Solutions

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Zhenyuan Feng, Bruno Clerckx, Yang Zhao

This paper highlights the fact that IRS can provide an extra passive beamforming gain on output DC power over conventional WPT designs and significantly influence the waveform design by leveraging the benefit of passive beamforming, frequency diversity and energy harvester nonlinearity.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

IRS-Aided SWIPT: Joint Waveform, Active and Passive Beamforming Design Under Nonlinear Harvester Model

1 code implementation10 Dec 2020 Yang Zhao, Bruno Clerckx, Zhenyuan Feng

To facilitate practical implementation, we also propose a low-complexity design based on closed-form adaptive waveform schemes.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Modeling and Architecture Design of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Using Scattering Parameter Network Analysis

no code implementations23 Nov 2020 Shanpu Shen, Bruno Clerckx, Ross Murch

Compared with the single connected reconfigurable impedance network, our group and fully connected reconfigurable impedance network can increase the received signal power by up to 62%, or maintain the same received signal power with a number of RIS elements reduced by up to 21%.

Wireless Power Transfer with Distributed Antennas: System Design, Prototype, and Experiments

no code implementations31 Oct 2020 Shanpu Shen, JungHoon Kim, Chaoyun Song, Bruno Clerckx

The measurements show that WPT DAS can boost the output dc power by up to 30 dB in single-user case and boost the sum of output dc power by up to 21. 8 dB in two-user case and broaden the service coverage area in a low cost, low complexity, and flexible manner.


Range Expansion for Wireless Power Transfer using Joint Beamforming and Waveform Architecture: An Experimental Study in Indoor Environment

no code implementations4 Oct 2020 JungHoon Kim, Bruno Clerckx

Far-field Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) has emerged as a potential power source for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The expansion of the power transfer range is one of the key challenges to make the technology viable.

Information Theory Information Theory

Beamforming Optimization for MIMO Wireless Power Transfer with Nonlinear Energy Harvesting: RF Combining versus DC Combining

no code implementations13 Sep 2020 Shanpu Shen, Bruno Clerckx

We also analytically derive the scaling laws of the output DC power as a function of the number of transmit and receive antennas.

Joint Waveform and Beamforming Optimization for MIMO Wireless Power Transfer

no code implementations13 Sep 2020 Shanpu Shen, Bruno Clerckx

We also consider a practical RF combining circuit using phase shifter and RF power combiner and optimize the waveform, transmit beamforming, and analog receive beamforming adaptive to the CSI.

Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Multigroup Multicast and Multibeam Satellite Systems

no code implementations12 Aug 2020 Longfei Yin, Bruno Clerckx

In this work, we characterize the MMF Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) achieved by RS and NoRS in multigroup multicast with imperfect CSIT and demonstrate the benefits of RS strategies for both underloaded and overloaded scenarios.

Fairness Management

Cooperative Rate-Splitting for Secrecy Sum-Rate Enhancement in Multi-antenna Broadcast Channels

no code implementations3 Jun 2020 Ping Li, Ming Chen, Yijie Mao, Zhaohui Yang, Bruno Clerckx, Mohammad Shikh-Bahaei

In this paper, we employ Cooperative Rate-Splitting (CRS) technique to enhance the Secrecy Sum Rate (SSR) for the Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) Broadcast Channel (BC), consisting of two legitimate users and one eavesdropper, with perfect Channel State Information (CSI) available at all nodes.

Max-min Fairness of K-user Cooperative Rate-Splitting in MISO Broadcast Channel with User Relaying

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Yijie Mao, Bruno Clerckx, Jian Zhang, Victor O. K. Li, Mohammed Arafah

Cooperative Rate-Splitting (CRS) strategy, relying on linearly precoded rate-splitting at the transmitter and opportunistic transmission of the common message by the relaying user, has recently been shown to outperform typical Non-cooperative Rate-Splitting (NRS), Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (C-NOMA) and Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) in a two-user Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) Broadcast Channel (BC) with user relaying.

Fairness Scheduling

Learning to Communicate and Energize: Modulation, Coding and Multiple Access Designs for Wireless Information-Power Transmission

no code implementations14 Sep 2019 Morteza Varasteh, Jakob Hoydis, Bruno Clerckx

Relying on the proposed model, the learning problem of modulation design for Simultaneous Wireless Information-Power Transmission (SWIPT) over a point-to-point link is studied.

Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

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