Search Results for author: Bruno Ordozgoiti

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Diversity-aware clustering: Computational Complexity and Approximation Algorithms

no code implementations10 Jan 2024 Suhas Thejaswi, Ameet Gadekar, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Aristides Gionis

We present parameterized approximation algorithms with approximation ratios $1+ \frac{2}{e}$, $1+\frac{8}{e}$ and $3$ for diversity-aware $k$-median, diversity-aware $k$-means and diversity-aware $k$-supplier, respectively.

Clustering Diversity

Fair Column Subset Selection

1 code implementation7 Jun 2023 Antonis Matakos, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Suhas Thejaswi

The problem of column subset selection asks for a subset of columns from an input matrix such that the matrix can be reconstructed as accurately as possible within the span of the selected columns.

Generalized Leverage Scores: Geometric Interpretation and Applications

no code implementations16 Jun 2022 Bruno Ordozgoiti, Antonis Matakos, Aristides Gionis

In particular, leverage scores, which relate the columns of a matrix to the subspaces spanned by its leading singular vectors, are helpful in revealing column subsets to approximately factorize a matrix with quality guarantees.

Discovering conflicting groups in signed networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Ruo-Chun Tzeng, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Aristides Gionis

In this paper we study the problem of detecting $k$ conflicting groups in a signed network.


Searching for polarization in signed graphs: a local spectral approach

1 code implementation26 Jan 2020 Han Xiao, Bruno Ordozgoiti, Aristides Gionis

In this paper we formulate the problem of finding local polarized communities in signed graphs as a locally-biased eigen-problem.

Regularized Greedy Column Subset Selection

no code implementations12 Apr 2018 Bruno Ordozgoiti, Alberto Mozo, Jesús García López de Lacalle

The Column Subset Selection Problem provides a natural framework for unsupervised feature selection.

Combinatorial Optimization feature selection

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