Search Results for author: Bruno Sguerra

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Transformers Meet ACT-R: Repeat-Aware and Sequential Listening Session Recommendation

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Viet-Anh Tran, Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Bruno Sguerra, Romain Hennequin

In this paper, we introduce PISA (Psychology-Informed Session embedding using ACT-R), a session-level sequential recommender system that overcomes this limitation.

Music Recommendation Sequential Recommendation

Modeling Activity-Driven Music Listening with PACE

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Lilian Marey, Bruno Sguerra, Manuel Moussallam

While the topic of listening context is widely studied in the literature of music recommender systems, the integration of regular user behavior is often omitted.

Recommendation Systems Time Series

Ex2Vec: Characterizing Users and Items from the Mere Exposure Effect

1 code implementation17 Nov 2023 Bruno Sguerra, Viet-Anh Tran, Romain Hennequin

Since previous research has shown that the magnitude of the effect depends on a number of interesting factors such as stimulus complexity and familiarity, leveraging this effect is a way to not only improve repeated recommendation but to gain a more in-depth understanding of both users and stimuli.

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