no code implementations • 26 Sep 2023 • Yixuan Huang, Jialin Yuan, Chanho Kim, Pupul Pradhan, Bryan Chen, Li Fuxin, Tucker Hermans
Robots need to have a memory of previously observed, but currently occluded objects to work reliably in realistic environments.
no code implementations • 15 Nov 2020 • Mehak Aggarwal, Nishanth Arun, Sharut Gupta, Ashwin Vaswani, Bryan Chen, Matthew Li, Ken Chang, Jay Patel, Katherine Hoebel, Mishka Gidwani, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Praveer Singh
While success of Deep Learning (DL) in automated diagnosis can be transformative to the medicinal practice especially for people with little or no access to doctors, its widespread acceptability is severely limited by inherent black-box decision making and unsafe failure modes.
no code implementations • 13 Nov 2020 • Bryan Chen, Alexander Sax, Gene Lewis, Iro Armeni, Silvio Savarese, Amir Zamir, Jitendra Malik, Lerrel Pinto
Vision-based robotics often separates the control loop into one module for perception and a separate module for control.
no code implementations • 3 Sep 2020 • Holger R. Roth, Ken Chang, Praveer Singh, Nir Neumark, Wenqi Li, Vikash Gupta, Sharut Gupta, Liangqiong Qu, Alvin Ihsani, Bernardo C. Bizzo, Yuhong Wen, Varun Buch, Meesam Shah, Felipe Kitamura, Matheus Mendonça, Vitor Lavor, Ahmed Harouni, Colin Compas, Jesse Tetreault, Prerna Dogra, Yan Cheng, Selnur Erdal, Richard White, Behrooz Hashemian, Thomas Schultz, Miao Zhang, Adam McCarthy, B. Min Yun, Elshaimaa Sharaf, Katharina V. Hoebel, Jay B. Patel, Bryan Chen, Sean Ko, Evan Leibovitz, Etta D. Pisano, Laura Coombs, Daguang Xu, Keith J. Dreyer, Ittai Dayan, Ram C. Naidu, Mona Flores, Daniel Rubin, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer
Building robust deep learning-based models requires large quantities of diverse training data.
1 code implementation • 6 Aug 2020 • Nishanth Arun, Nathan Gaw, Praveer Singh, Ken Chang, Mehak Aggarwal, Bryan Chen, Katharina Hoebel, Sharut Gupta, Jay Patel, Mishka Gidwani, Julius Adebayo, Matthew D. Li, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer
Saliency maps have become a widely used method to make deep learning models more interpretable by providing post-hoc explanations of classifiers through identification of the most pertinent areas of the input medical image.