no code implementations • 14 Feb 2020 • Budhaditya Saha, Sanal Lisboa, Shameek Ghosh
In clinical conversational applications, extracted entities tend to capture the main subject of a patient's complaint, namely symptoms or diseases.
5 code implementations • ICCV 2019 • Dong Gong, Lingqiao Liu, Vuong Le, Budhaditya Saha, Moussa Reda Mansour, Svetha Venkatesh, Anton Van Den Hengel
At the test stage, the learned memory will be fixed, and the reconstruction is obtained from a few selected memory records of the normal data.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2019 • Romero Morais, Vuong Le, Truyen Tran, Budhaditya Saha, Moussa Mansour, Svetha Venkatesh
Appearance features have been widely used in video anomaly detection even though they contain complex entangled factors.
Ranked #6 on Video Anomaly Detection on HR-UBnormal