Search Results for author: Caihua Shan

Found 20 papers, 9 papers with code

AdaMedGraph: Adaboosting Graph Neural Networks for Personalized Medicine

no code implementations24 Nov 2023 Jie Lian, Xufang Luo, Caihua Shan, Dongqi Han, Varut Vardhanabhuti, Dongsheng Li

However, selecting the appropriate edge feature to define patient similarity and construct the graph is challenging, given that each patient is depicted by high-dimensional features from diverse sources.

Prioritized Propagation in Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations6 Nov 2023 Yao Cheng, Minjie Chen, Xiang Li, Caihua Shan, Ming Gao

Specifically, the framework consists of three components: a backbone GNN model, a propagation controller to determine the optimal propagation steps for nodes, and a weight controller to compute the priority scores for nodes.

Resurrecting Label Propagation for Graphs with Heterophily and Label Noise

1 code implementation25 Oct 2023 Yao Cheng, Caihua Shan, Yifei Shen, Xiang Li, Siqiang Luo, Dongsheng Li

In this paper, we study graph label noise in the context of arbitrary heterophily, with the aim of rectifying noisy labels and assigning labels to previously unlabeled nodes.

Denoising Node Classification

Biological Factor Regulatory Neural Network

1 code implementation11 Apr 2023 Xinnan Dai, Caihua Shan, Jie Zheng, Xiaoxiao Li, Dongsheng Li

BFReg-NN starts from gene expression data and is capable of merging most existing biological knowledge into the model, including the regulatory relations among genes or proteins (e. g., gene regulatory networks (GRN), protein-protein interaction networks (PPI)) and the hierarchical relations among genes, proteins and pathways (e. g., several genes/proteins are contained in a pathway).

SeeGera: Self-supervised Semi-implicit Graph Variational Auto-encoders with Masking

no code implementations29 Jan 2023 Xiang Li, Tiandi Ye, Caihua Shan, Dongsheng Li, Ming Gao

In this paper, to comprehensively enhance the performance of generative graph SSL against other GCL models on both unsupervised and supervised learning tasks, we propose the SeeGera model, which is based on the family of self-supervised variational graph auto-encoder (VGAE).

Contrastive Learning Self-Supervised Learning +1

RuDi: Explaining Behavior Sequence Models by Automatic Statistics Generation and Rule Distillation

1 code implementation12 Aug 2022 Yao Zhang, Yun Xiong, Yiheng Sun, Caihua Shan, Tian Lu, Hui Song, Yangyong Zhu

We propose a two-stage method, RuDi, that distills the knowledge of black-box teacher models into rule-based student models.


RendNet: Unified 2D/3D Recognizer With Latent Space Rendering

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Ruoxi Shi, Xinyang Jiang, Caihua Shan, Yansen Wang, Dongsheng Li

Instead of looking at one format, it is a good solution to utilize the formats of VG and RG together to avoid these shortcomings.

3D Object Recognition Vector Graphics

CMMD: Cross-Metric Multi-Dimensional Root Cause Analysis

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Shifu Yan, Caihua Shan, Wenyi Yang, Bixiong Xu, Dongsheng Li, Lili Qiu, Jie Tong, Qi Zhang

To this end, we propose a cross-metric multi-dimensional root cause analysis method, named CMMD, which consists of two key components: 1) relationship modeling, which utilizes graph neural network (GNN) to model the unknown complex calculation among metrics and aggregation function among dimensions from historical data; 2) root cause localization, which adopts the genetic algorithm to efficiently and effectively dive into the raw data and localize the abnormal dimension(s) once the KPI anomalies are detected.

Graph Neural Network

Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Explainer for Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Caihua Shan, Yifei Shen, Yao Zhang, Xiang Li, Dongsheng Li

To address these issues, we propose a RL-enhanced GNN explainer, RG-Explainer, which consists of three main components: starting point selection, iterative graph generation and stopping criteria learning.

Combinatorial Optimization Graph Generation +3

How Powerful is Graph Convolution for Recommendation?

1 code implementation17 Aug 2021 Yifei Shen, Yongji Wu, Yao Zhang, Caihua Shan, Jun Zhang, Khaled B. Letaief, Dongsheng Li

In this paper, we endeavor to obtain a better understanding of GCN-based CF methods via the lens of graph signal processing.

Collaborative Filtering

CAST: A Correlation-based Adaptive Spectral Clustering Algorithm on Multi-scale Data

1 code implementation8 Jun 2020 Xiang Li, Ben Kao, Caihua Shan, Dawei Yin, Martin Ester

We study the problem of applying spectral clustering to cluster multi-scale data, which is data whose clusters are of various sizes and densities.


An End-to-End Deep RL Framework for Task Arrangement in Crowdsourcing Platforms

no code implementations4 Nov 2019 Caihua Shan, Nikos Mamoulis, Reynold Cheng, Guoliang Li, Xiang Li, Yuqiu Qian

In this paper, we propose a Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework for task arrangement, which is a critical problem for the success of crowdsourcing platforms.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

A General Early-Stopping Module for Crowdsourced Ranking

no code implementations4 Nov 2019 Caihua Shan, Leong Hou U, Nikos Mamoulis, Reynold Cheng, Xiang Li

The number of microtasks depends on the budget allocated for the problem.

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