Search Results for author: Carl Vogel

Found 29 papers, 4 papers with code

Mutual Gaze and Linguistic Repetition in a Multimodal Corpus

no code implementations LREC 2022 Anais Murat, Maria Koutsombogera, Carl Vogel

We focus on a multimodal corpus made of three-party conversations and explore the question of whether mutual gaze events correspond to moments of repetition or non-repetition.

Mutual Gaze

English Machine Reading Comprehension Datasets: A Survey

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Daria Dzendzik, Carl Vogel, Jennifer Foster

This paper surveys 60 English Machine Reading Comprehension datasets, with a view to providing a convenient resource for other researchers interested in this problem.

Machine Reading Comprehension Survey

An Evaluation Method for Diachronic Word Sense Induction

1 code implementation Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Ashjan Alsulaimani, Erwan Moreau, Carl Vogel

The task of Diachronic Word Sense Induction (DWSI) aims to identify the meaning of words from their context, taking the temporal dimension into account.

Word Sense Induction

MSO with tests and reducts

no code implementations WS 2019 Fern, Tim o, David Woods, Carl Vogel

Tests added to Kleene algebra (by Kozen and others) are considered within Monadic Second Order logic over strings, where they are likened to statives in natural language.

CRF-Seq and CRF-DepTree at PARSEME Shared Task 2018: Detecting Verbal MWEs using Sequential and Dependency-Based Approaches

1 code implementation COLING 2018 Erwan Moreau, Ashjan Alsulaimani, Alfredo Maldonado, Carl Vogel

This paper describes two systems for detecting Verbal Multiword Expressions (VMWEs) which both competed in the closed track at the PARSEME VMWE Shared Task 2018.

Chasing the Ghosts of Ibsen: A computational stylistic analysis of drama in translation

no code implementations5 Jan 2015 Gerard Lynch, Carl Vogel

Research into the stylistic properties of translations is an issue which has received some attention in computational stylistics.


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