Search Results for author: Carlo Tomasi

Found 12 papers, 6 papers with code

Optimizing for ROC Curves on Class-Imbalanced Data by Training over a Family of Loss Functions

1 code implementation8 Feb 2024 Kelsey Lieberman, Shuai Yuan, Swarna Kamlam Ravindran, Carlo Tomasi

Although binary classification is a well-studied problem in computer vision, training reliable classifiers under severe class imbalance remains a challenging problem.

Binary Classification imbalanced classification

RandMSAugment: A Mixed-Sample Augmentation for Limited-Data Scenarios

no code implementations25 Nov 2023 Swarna Kamlam Ravindran, Carlo Tomasi

We show that low-level feature transforms play a pivotal role in this performance difference, postulate a new property of augmentations related to their data efficiency, and propose new ways to measure the diversity and realism of augmentations.

Data Augmentation Diversity

UFD-PRiME: Unsupervised Joint Learning of Optical Flow and Stereo Depth through Pixel-Level Rigid Motion Estimation

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Shuai Yuan, Carlo Tomasi

A second network, trained with optical flow from the first as pseudo-labels, takes disparities from the first network, estimates 3D rigid motion at every pixel, and reconstructs optical flow again.

Motion Estimation Optical Flow Estimation

Unsupervised Flow Refinement near Motion Boundaries

no code implementations3 Aug 2022 Shuzhi Yu, Hannah Halin Kim, Shuai Yuan, Carlo Tomasi

Unsupervised optical flow estimators based on deep learning have attracted increasing attention due to the cost and difficulty of annotating for ground truth.

Optical Flow Estimation

Cross-Attention Transformer for Video Interpolation

1 code implementation8 Jul 2022 Hannah Halin Kim, Shuzhi Yu, Shuai Yuan, Carlo Tomasi

We propose TAIN (Transformers and Attention for video INterpolation), a residual neural network for video interpolation, which aims to interpolate an intermediate frame given two consecutive image frames around it.

Optical Flow Training under Limited Label Budget via Active Learning

1 code implementation9 Mar 2022 Shuai Yuan, Xian Sun, Hannah Kim, Shuzhi Yu, Carlo Tomasi

Supervised training of optical flow predictors generally yields better accuracy than unsupervised training.

Active Learning Optical Flow Estimation

Joint Detection of Motion Boundaries and Occlusions

1 code implementation1 Nov 2021 Hannah Halin Kim, Shuzhi Yu, Carlo Tomasi

Since appearance mismatches between frames often signal vicinity to MBs or Occs, we construct a cost block that for each feature in one frame records the lowest discrepancy with matching features in a search range.

Decoder Optical Flow Estimation

Identity Connections in Residual Nets Improve Noise Stability

no code implementations27 May 2019 Shuzhi Yu, Carlo Tomasi

Residual Neural Networks (ResNets) achieve state-of-the-art performance in many computer vision problems.

Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Ergys Ristani, Carlo Tomasi

We examine the correlation between good Re-ID and good MTMCT scores, and perform ablation studies to elucidate the contributions of the main components of our system.

Person Re-Identification Triplet

Performance Measures and a Data Set for Multi-Target, Multi-Camera Tracking

24 code implementations6 Sep 2016 Ergys Ristani, Francesco Solera, Roger S. Zou, Rita Cucchiara, Carlo Tomasi

To help accelerate progress in multi-target, multi-camera tracking systems, we present (i) a new pair of precision-recall measures of performance that treats errors of all types uniformly and emphasizes correct identification over sources of error; (ii) the largest fully-annotated and calibrated data set to date with more than 2 million frames of 1080p, 60fps video taken by 8 cameras observing more than 2, 700 identities over 85 minutes; and (iii) a reference software system as a comparison baseline.

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