no code implementations • 26 Feb 2020 • Carolyn Kim, Mohsen Bayati
We analyze alternating minimization for column space recovery of a partially observed, approximately low rank matrix with a growing number of columns and a fixed budget of observations per column.
no code implementations • 24 Jan 2019 • Carolyn Kim, Osbert Bastani
We propose a framework for learning interpretable models from observational data that can be used to predict individual treatment effects (ITEs).
no code implementations • 29 Jun 2017 • Osbert Bastani, Carolyn Kim, Hamsa Bastani
The ability to interpret machine learning models has become increasingly important now that machine learning is used to inform consequential decisions.
no code implementations • 23 May 2017 • Osbert Bastani, Carolyn Kim, Hamsa Bastani
Interpretability has become incredibly important as machine learning is increasingly used to inform consequential decisions.