Search Results for author: Cassie S. Mitchell

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Integrating curation into scientific publishing to train AI models

1 code implementation31 Oct 2023 Jorge Abreu-Vicente, Hannah Sonntag, Thomas Eidens, Cassie S. Mitchell, Thomas Lemberger

High throughput extraction and structured labeling of data from academic articles is critical to enable downstream machine learning applications and secondary analyses.

Entity Linking

Performance and utility trade-off in interpretable sleep staging

no code implementations7 Nov 2022 Irfan Al-Hussaini, Cassie S. Mitchell

Clinical sleep staging is an arduous process requiring manual annotation for each 30s of sleep using physiological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG).

Deep Learning EEG +2

CCS Explorer: Relevance Prediction, Extractive Summarization, and Named Entity Recognition from Clinical Cohort Studies

no code implementations1 Nov 2022 Irfan Al-Hussaini, Davi Nakajima An, Albert J. Lee, Sarah Bi, Cassie S. Mitchell

CCS Explorer then extracts and aggregates all relevant information from articles on PubMed based on the results of an automatically generated query produced on the back-end.

Drug Discovery Extractive Summarization +4

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