Search Results for author: Cedric Renggli

Found 17 papers, 8 papers with code

Incremental IVF Index Maintenance for Streaming Vector Search

no code implementations1 Nov 2024 Jason Mohoney, Anil Pacaci, Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury, Umar Farooq Minhas, Jeffery Pound, Cedric Renggli, Nima Reyhani, Ihab F. Ilyas, Theodoros Rekatsinas, Shivaram Venkataraman

The prevalence of vector similarity search in modern machine learning applications and the continuously changing nature of data processed by these applications necessitate efficient and effective index maintenance techniques for vector search indexes.

Co-design Hardware and Algorithm for Vector Search

1 code implementation19 Jun 2023 Wenqi Jiang, Shigang Li, Yu Zhu, Johannes De Fine Licht, Zhenhao He, Runbin Shi, Cedric Renggli, Shuai Zhang, Theodoros Rekatsinas, Torsten Hoefler, Gustavo Alonso

Vector search has emerged as the foundation for large-scale information retrieval and machine learning systems, with search engines like Google and Bing processing tens of thousands of queries per second on petabyte-scale document datasets by evaluating vector similarities between encoded query texts and web documents.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Stochastic Gradient Descent without Full Data Shuffle

1 code implementation12 Jun 2022 Lijie Xu, Shuang Qiu, Binhang Yuan, Jiawei Jiang, Cedric Renggli, Shaoduo Gan, Kaan Kara, Guoliang Li, Ji Liu, Wentao Wu, Jieping Ye, Ce Zhang

In this paper, we first conduct a systematic empirical study on existing data shuffling strategies, which reveals that all existing strategies have room for improvement -- they all suffer in terms of I/O performance or convergence rate.

Computational Efficiency

SHiFT: An Efficient, Flexible Search Engine for Transfer Learning

1 code implementation4 Apr 2022 Cedric Renggli, Xiaozhe Yao, Luka Kolar, Luka Rimanic, Ana Klimovic, Ce Zhang

Transfer learning can be seen as a data- and compute-efficient alternative to training models from scratch.

Transfer Learning

Dynamic Human Evaluation for Relative Model Comparisons

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Thórhildur Thorleiksdóttir, Cedric Renggli, Nora Hollenstein, Ce Zhang

Collecting human judgements is currently the most reliable evaluation method for natural language generation systems.

Text Generation

Evaluating Bayes Error Estimators on Real-World Datasets with FeeBee

1 code implementation30 Aug 2021 Cedric Renggli, Luka Rimanic, Nora Hollenstein, Ce Zhang

The Bayes error rate (BER) is a fundamental concept in machine learning that quantifies the best possible accuracy any classifier can achieve on a fixed probability distribution.

Decoding EEG Brain Activity for Multi-Modal Natural Language Processing

no code implementations17 Feb 2021 Nora Hollenstein, Cedric Renggli, Benjamin Glaus, Maria Barrett, Marius Troendle, Nicolas Langer, Ce Zhang

In this paper, we present the first large-scale study of systematically analyzing the potential of EEG brain activity data for improving natural language processing tasks, with a special focus on which features of the signal are most beneficial.

BIG-bench Machine Learning EEG +2

A Data Quality-Driven View of MLOps

no code implementations15 Feb 2021 Cedric Renggli, Luka Rimanic, Nezihe Merve Gürel, Bojan Karlaš, Wentao Wu, Ce Zhang

Developing machine learning models can be seen as a process similar to the one established for traditional software development.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Automatic Feasibility Study via Data Quality Analysis for ML: A Case-Study on Label Noise

2 code implementations16 Oct 2020 Cedric Renggli, Luka Rimanic, Luka Kolar, Wentao Wu, Ce Zhang

In our experience of working with domain experts who are using today's AutoML systems, a common problem we encountered is what we call "unrealistic expectations" -- when users are facing a very challenging task with a noisy data acquisition process, while being expected to achieve startlingly high accuracy with machine learning (ML).

AutoML BIG-bench Machine Learning

On Convergence of Nearest Neighbor Classifiers over Feature Transformations

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Luka Rimanic, Cedric Renggli, Bo Li, Ce Zhang

This analysis requires in-depth understanding of the properties that connect both the transformed space and the raw feature space.

Which Model to Transfer? Finding the Needle in the Growing Haystack

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Cedric Renggli, André Susano Pinto, Luka Rimanic, Joan Puigcerver, Carlos Riquelme, Ce Zhang, Mario Lucic

Transfer learning has been recently popularized as a data-efficient alternative to training models from scratch, in particular for computer vision tasks where it provides a remarkably solid baseline.

Transfer Learning

Observer Dependent Lossy Image Compression

1 code implementation8 Oct 2019 Maurice Weber, Cedric Renggli, Helmut Grabner, Ce Zhang

To that end, we use a family of loss functions that allows to optimize deep image compression depending on the observer and to interpolate between human perceived visual quality and classification accuracy, enabling a more unified view on image compression.

Classification General Classification +4

Continuous Integration of Machine Learning Models with Towards a Rigorous Yet Practical Treatment

no code implementations1 Mar 2019 Cedric Renggli, Bojan Karlaš, Bolin Ding, Feng Liu, Kevin Schawinski, Wentao Wu, Ce Zhang

Continuous integration is an indispensable step of modern software engineering practices to systematically manage the life cycles of system development.

2k BIG-bench Machine Learning

Distributed Learning over Unreliable Networks

no code implementations17 Oct 2018 Chen Yu, Hanlin Tang, Cedric Renggli, Simon Kassing, Ankit Singla, Dan Alistarh, Ce Zhang, Ji Liu

Most of today's distributed machine learning systems assume {\em reliable networks}: whenever two machines exchange information (e. g., gradients or models), the network should guarantee the delivery of the message.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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