Search Results for author: Cen Wang

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

CT-Eval: Benchmarking Chinese Text-to-Table Performance in Large Language Models

no code implementations20 May 2024 Haoxiang Shi, Jiaan Wang, Jiarong Xu, Cen Wang, Tetsuya Sakai

Our preliminary analysis of English text-to-table datasets highlights two key factors for dataset construction: data diversity and data hallucination.

Benchmarking Diversity +1

A Siamese CNN Architecture for Learning Chinese Sentence Similarity

no code implementations Asian Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 Haoxiang Shi, Cen Wang, Tetsuya Sakai

This paper presents a deep neural architecture which applies the siamese convolutional neural network sharing model parameters for learning a semantic similarity metric between two sentences.

Semantic Similarity Semantic Textual Similarity +2

Self-supervised Document Clustering Based on BERT with Data Augment

no code implementations17 Nov 2020 Haoxiang Shi, Cen Wang

Contrastive learning is a promising approach to unsupervised learning, as it inherits the advantages of well-studied deep models without a dedicated and complex model design.

Clustering Contrastive Learning +2

Hair Segmentation on Time-of-Flight RGBD Images

no code implementations7 Mar 2019 Yuanxi Ma, Cen Wang, Shiying Li, Jingyi Yu

Robust segmentation of hair from portrait images remains challenging: hair does not conform to a uniform shape, style or even color; dark hair in particular lacks features.

Sparse Photometric 3D Face Reconstruction Guided by Morphable Models

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Xuan Cao, Zhang Chen, Anpei Chen, Xin Chen, Cen Wang, Jingyi Yu

We present a novel 3D face reconstruction technique that leverages sparse photometric stereo (PS) and latest advances on face registration/modeling from a single image.

3D Face Reconstruction Position +1

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