Search Results for author: Chae Eun Rhee

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

EGformer: Equirectangular Geometry-biased Transformer for 360 Depth Estimation

no code implementations ICCV 2023 IlWi Yun, Chanyong Shin, Hyunku Lee, Hyuk-Jae Lee, Chae Eun Rhee

However, to apply local attention successfully for EIs, a specific strategy, which addresses distorted equirectangular geometry and limited receptive field simultaneously, is required.

Depth Estimation

Improving 360 Monocular Depth Estimation via Non-local Dense Prediction Transformer and Joint Supervised and Self-supervised Learning

1 code implementation22 Sep 2021 IlWi Yun, Hyuk-Jae Lee, Chae Eun Rhee

Due to difficulties in acquiring ground truth depth of equirectangular (360) images, the quality and quantity of equirectangular depth data today is insufficient to represent the various scenes in the world.

Monocular Depth Estimation Self-Supervised Learning

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