no code implementations • Findings (EMNLP) 2021 • Keisuke Sakaguchi, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Niket Tandon, Peter Clark, Yejin Choi
Scripts – prototypical event sequences describing everyday activities – have been shown to help understand narratives by providing expectations, resolving ambiguity, and filling in unstated information.
no code implementations • 10 Dec 2023 • Peter West, Ronan Le Bras, Taylor Sorensen, Bill Yuchen Lin, Liwei Jiang, Ximing Lu, Khyathi Chandu, Jack Hessel, Ashutosh Baheti, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
We present NovaCOMET, an open commonsense knowledge model, that combines the best aspects of knowledge and general task models.
1 code implementation • 4 Dec 2023 • Bill Yuchen Lin, Abhilasha Ravichander, Ximing Lu, Nouha Dziri, Melanie Sclar, Khyathi Chandu, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
We analyze the effect of alignment tuning by examining the token distribution shift between base LLMs and their aligned counterpart.
no code implementations • 26 Oct 2023 • Allyson Ettinger, Jena D. Hwang, Valentina Pyatkin, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
We compare models' analysis of this semantic structure across two settings: 1) direct production of AMR parses based on zero- and few-shot prompts, and 2) indirect partial reconstruction of AMR via metalinguistic natural language queries (e. g., "Identify the primary event of this sentence, and the predicate corresponding to that event.").
1 code implementation • 12 Oct 2023 • Linlu Qiu, Liwei Jiang, Ximing Lu, Melanie Sclar, Valentina Pyatkin, Chandra Bhagavatula, Bailin Wang, Yoon Kim, Yejin Choi, Nouha Dziri, Xiang Ren
The ability to derive underlying principles from a handful of observations and then generalize to novel situations -- known as inductive reasoning -- is central to human intelligence.
1 code implementation • 2 Sep 2023 • Taylor Sorensen, Liwei Jiang, Jena Hwang, Sydney Levine, Valentina Pyatkin, Peter West, Nouha Dziri, Ximing Lu, Kavel Rao, Chandra Bhagavatula, Maarten Sap, John Tasioulas, Yejin Choi
To improve AI systems to better reflect value pluralism, the first-order challenge is to explore the extent to which AI systems can model pluralistic human values, rights, and duties as well as their interaction.
1 code implementation • 31 May 2023 • Faeze Brahman, Chandra Bhagavatula, Valentina Pyatkin, Jena D. Hwang, Xiang Lorraine Li, Hirona J. Arai, Soumya Sanyal, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Xiang Ren, Yejin Choi
We present PlaSma, a novel two-pronged approach to endow small language models with procedural knowledge and (constrained) language planning capabilities.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2023 • Nouha Dziri, Ximing Lu, Melanie Sclar, Xiang Lorraine Li, Liwei Jiang, Bill Yuchen Lin, Peter West, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Jena D. Hwang, Soumya Sanyal, Sean Welleck, Xiang Ren, Allyson Ettinger, Zaid Harchaoui, Yejin Choi
We formulate compositional tasks as computation graphs to systematically quantify the level of complexity, and break down reasoning steps into intermediate sub-procedures.
2 code implementations • NeurIPS 2023 • Bill Yuchen Lin, Yicheng Fu, Karina Yang, Faeze Brahman, Shiyu Huang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Yejin Choi, Xiang Ren
The Swift module is a small encoder-decoder LM fine-tuned on the oracle agent's action trajectories, while the Sage module employs LLMs such as GPT-4 for subgoal planning and grounding.
2 code implementations • 20 Dec 2022 • Valentina Pyatkin, Jena D. Hwang, Vivek Srikumar, Ximing Lu, Liwei Jiang, Yejin Choi, Chandra Bhagavatula
Context is everything, even in commonsense moral reasoning.
no code implementations • 19 Dec 2022 • Chandra Bhagavatula, Jena D. Hwang, Doug Downey, Ronan Le Bras, Ximing Lu, Lianhui Qin, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Swabha Swayamdipta, Peter West, Yejin Choi
Here, we investigate an alternative that a priori seems impossible: can smaller language models (e. g., GPT-2) win over models that are orders of magnitude larger and better (e. g., GPT-3), if powered with novel commonsense distillation algorithms?
no code implementations • 22 Jun 2022 • Sebastian Gehrmann, Abhik Bhattacharjee, Abinaya Mahendiran, Alex Wang, Alexandros Papangelis, Aman Madaan, Angelina McMillan-Major, Anna Shvets, Ashish Upadhyay, Bingsheng Yao, Bryan Wilie, Chandra Bhagavatula, Chaobin You, Craig Thomson, Cristina Garbacea, Dakuo Wang, Daniel Deutsch, Deyi Xiong, Di Jin, Dimitra Gkatzia, Dragomir Radev, Elizabeth Clark, Esin Durmus, Faisal Ladhak, Filip Ginter, Genta Indra Winata, Hendrik Strobelt, Hiroaki Hayashi, Jekaterina Novikova, Jenna Kanerva, Jenny Chim, Jiawei Zhou, Jordan Clive, Joshua Maynez, João Sedoc, Juraj Juraska, Kaustubh Dhole, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, Laura Perez-Beltrachini, Leonardo F. R. Ribeiro, Lewis Tunstall, Li Zhang, Mahima Pushkarna, Mathias Creutz, Michael White, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Moussa Kamal Eddine, Nico Daheim, Nishant Subramani, Ondrej Dusek, Paul Pu Liang, Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi, Qi Zhu, Ratish Puduppully, Reno Kriz, Rifat Shahriyar, Ronald Cardenas, Saad Mahamood, Salomey Osei, Samuel Cahyawijaya, Sanja Štajner, Sebastien Montella, Shailza, Shailza Jolly, Simon Mille, Tahmid Hasan, Tianhao Shen, Tosin Adewumi, Vikas Raunak, Vipul Raheja, Vitaly Nikolaev, Vivian Tsai, Yacine Jernite, Ying Xu, Yisi Sang, Yixin Liu, Yufang Hou
This problem is especially pertinent in natural language generation which requires ever-improving suites of datasets, metrics, and human evaluation to make definitive claims.
no code implementations • 24 May 2022 • JaeHun Jung, Lianhui Qin, Sean Welleck, Faeze Brahman, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Yejin Choi
Despite their impressive capabilities, large pre-trained language models (LMs) struggle with consistent reasoning; recently, prompting LMs to generate explanations that self-guide the inference has emerged as a promising direction to amend this.
no code implementations • 23 May 2022 • Emily Allaway, Jena D. Hwang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Kathleen McKeown, Doug Downey, Yejin Choi
Generics express generalizations about the world (e. g., birds can fly) that are not universally true (e. g., newborn birds and penguins cannot fly).
1 code implementation • 14 May 2022 • Sonia K. Murthy, Kyle Lo, Daniel King, Chandra Bhagavatula, Bailey Kuehl, Sophie Johnson, Jonathan Borchardt, Daniel S. Weld, Tom Hope, Doug Downey
We present ACCoRD, an end-to-end system tackling the novel task of generating sets of descriptions of scientific concepts.
1 code implementation • 10 Feb 2022 • Jack Hessel, Jena D. Hwang, Jae Sung Park, Rowan Zellers, Chandra Bhagavatula, Anna Rohrbach, Kate Saenko, Yejin Choi
We present Sherlock, an annotated corpus of 103K images for testing machine capacity for abductive reasoning beyond literal image contents.
no code implementations • 14 Jan 2022 • Alon Talmor, Ori Yoran, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yoav Goldberg, Yejin Choi, Jonathan Berant
Constructing benchmarks that test the abilities of modern natural language understanding models is difficult - pre-trained language models exploit artifacts in benchmarks to achieve human parity, but still fail on adversarial examples and make errors that demonstrate a lack of common sense.
1 code implementation • NAACL 2022 • Peter West, Chandra Bhagavatula, Jack Hessel, Jena D. Hwang, Liwei Jiang, Ronan Le Bras, Ximing Lu, Sean Welleck, Yejin Choi
We apply this to the ATOMIC resource, and share our new symbolic knowledge graph and commonsense models.
1 code implementation • 14 Oct 2021 • Liwei Jiang, Jena D. Hwang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Jenny Liang, Jesse Dodge, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Maxwell Forbes, Jon Borchardt, Saadia Gabriel, Yulia Tsvetkov, Oren Etzioni, Maarten Sap, Regina Rini, Yejin Choi
As AI systems become increasingly powerful and pervasive, there are growing concerns about machines' morality or a lack thereof.
no code implementations • NAACL 2021 • Liwei Jiang, Antoine Bosselut, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
In this paper, we present the first comprehensive study focusing on commonsense implications of negated statements and contradictions.
1 code implementation • ACL 2021 • Alisa Liu, Maarten Sap, Ximing Lu, Swabha Swayamdipta, Chandra Bhagavatula, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
Despite recent advances in natural language generation, it remains challenging to control attributes of generated text.
no code implementations • 16 Apr 2021 • Keisuke Sakaguchi, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Niket Tandon, Peter Clark, Yejin Choi
Scripts - standardized event sequences describing typical everyday activities - have been shown to help understand narratives by providing expectations, resolving ambiguity, and filling in unstated information.
no code implementations • 13 Apr 2021 • Liwei Jiang, Antoine Bosselut, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
In this paper, we present the first comprehensive study focusing on commonsense implications of negated statements and contradictions.
1 code implementation • 24 Mar 2021 • Nicholas Lourie, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
First, we propose a new multitask benchmark, RAINBOW, to promote research on commonsense models that generalize well over multiple tasks and datasets.
Ranked #1 on Question Answering on SIQA
no code implementations • Findings (ACL) 2021 • Yue Dong, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ximing Lu, Jena D. Hwang, Antoine Bosselut, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, Yejin Choi
Despite considerable advancements with deep neural language models (LMs), neural text generation still suffers from degeneration: the generated text is repetitive, generic, self-contradictory, and often lacks commonsense.
1 code implementation • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Rachel Rudinger, Vered Shwartz, Jena D. Hwang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Maxwell Forbes, Ronan Le Bras, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
Defeasible inference is a mode of reasoning in which an inference (X is a bird, therefore X flies) may be weakened or overturned in light of new evidence (X is a penguin).
no code implementations • NAACL 2021 • Ximing Lu, Peter West, Rowan Zellers, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
While the dominant recipe for conditional text generation has been large-scale pretrained language models that are finetuned on the task-specific training data, such models do not learn to follow the underlying constraints reliably, even when supervised with large amounts of task-specific examples.
no code implementations • ACL 2021 • Peter West, Ximing Lu, Ari Holtzman, Chandra Bhagavatula, Jena Hwang, Yejin Choi
In this paper, we present Reflective Decoding, a novel unsupervised algorithm that allows for direct application of unidirectional LMs to non-sequential tasks.
1 code implementation • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Ana Marasović, Chandra Bhagavatula, Jae Sung Park, Ronan Le Bras, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
Natural language rationales could provide intuitive, higher-level explanations that are easily understandable by humans, complementing the more broadly studied lower-level explanations based on gradients or attention weights.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2020 • Lianhui Qin, Vered Shwartz, Peter West, Chandra Bhagavatula, Jena Hwang, Ronan Le Bras, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi
Abductive and counterfactual reasoning, core abilities of everyday human cognition, require reasoning about what might have happened at time t, while conditioning on multiple contexts from the relative past and future.
3 code implementations • 12 Oct 2020 • Jena D. Hwang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Jeff Da, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi
Next, we show that ATOMIC 2020 is better suited for training knowledge models that can generate accurate, representative knowledge for new, unseen entities and events.
1 code implementation • 4 Oct 2020 • Saadia Gabriel, Chandra Bhagavatula, Vered Shwartz, Ronan Le Bras, Maxwell Forbes, Yejin Choi
Human understanding of narrative texts requires making commonsense inferences beyond what is stated explicitly in the text.
1 code implementation • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Yiben Yang, Chaitanya Malaviya, Jared Fernandez, Swabha Swayamdipta, Ronan Le Bras, Ji-Ping Wang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi, Doug Downey
Recent advances in commonsense reasoning depend on large-scale human-annotated training data to achieve peak performance.
Ranked #1 on Question Answering on CODAH
no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Jae Sung Park, Chandra Bhagavatula, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Ali Farhadi, Yejin Choi
In addition, we provide person-grounding (i. e., co-reference links) between people appearing in the image and people mentioned in the textual commonsense descriptions, allowing for tighter integration between images and text.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2020 • Vered Shwartz, Peter West, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
Natural language understanding involves reading between the lines with implicit background knowledge.
1 code implementation • ICML 2020 • Ronan Le Bras, Swabha Swayamdipta, Chandra Bhagavatula, Rowan Zellers, Matthew E. Peters, Ashish Sabharwal, Yejin Choi
Large neural models have demonstrated human-level performance on language and vision benchmarks, while their performance degrades considerably on adversarial or out-of-distribution samples.
3 code implementations • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Bill Yuchen Lin, Wangchunshu Zhou, Ming Shen, Pei Zhou, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi, Xiang Ren
In this paper, we present a constrained text generation task, CommonGen associated with a benchmark dataset, to explicitly test machines for the ability of generative commonsense reasoning.
Ranked #1 on Text Generation on CommonGen
1 code implementation • 7 Oct 2019 • Chaitanya Malaviya, Chandra Bhagavatula, Antoine Bosselut, Yejin Choi
Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of language model representations in boosting link prediction performance and the advantages of learning from local graph structure (+1. 5 points in MRR for ConceptNet) when training on subgraphs for computational efficiency.
1 code implementation • IJCNLP 2019 • Lianhui Qin, Antoine Bosselut, Ari Holtzman, Chandra Bhagavatula, Elizabeth Clark, Yejin Choi
Counterfactual reasoning requires predicting how alternative events, contrary to what actually happened, might have resulted in different outcomes.
no code implementations • IJCNLP 2019 • Lifu Huang, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
In this paper, we introduce Cosmos QA, a large-scale dataset of 35, 600 problems that require commonsense-based reading comprehension, formulated as multiple-choice questions.
2 code implementations • ICLR 2020 • Chandra Bhagavatula, Ronan Le Bras, Chaitanya Malaviya, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Ari Holtzman, Hannah Rashkin, Doug Downey, Scott Wen-tau Yih, Yejin Choi
Abductive reasoning is inference to the most plausible explanation.
7 code implementations • 24 Jul 2019 • Keisuke Sakaguchi, Ronan Le Bras, Chandra Bhagavatula, Yejin Choi
The key steps of the dataset construction consist of (1) a carefully designed crowdsourcing procedure, followed by (2) systematic bias reduction using a novel AfLite algorithm that generalizes human-detectable word associations to machine-detectable embedding associations.
Ranked #9 on Coreference Resolution on Winograd Schema Challenge
2 code implementations • 1 Jul 2019 • Titipat Achakulvisut, Chandra Bhagavatula, Daniel Acuna, Konrad Kording
Claims are a fundamental unit of scientific discourse.
2 code implementations • 31 Oct 2018 • Maarten Sap, Ronan LeBras, Emily Allaway, Chandra Bhagavatula, Nicholas Lourie, Hannah Rashkin, Brendan Roof, Noah A. Smith, Yejin Choi
We present ATOMIC, an atlas of everyday commonsense reasoning, organized through 877k textual descriptions of inferential knowledge.
1 code implementation • WS 2018 • Lucy Lu Wang, Chandra Bhagavatula, Mark Neumann, Kyle Lo, Chris Wilhelm, Waleed Ammar
Ontology alignment is the task of identifying semantically equivalent entities from two given ontologies.
no code implementations • NAACL 2018 • Waleed Ammar, Dirk Groeneveld, Chandra Bhagavatula, Iz Beltagy, Miles Crawford, Doug Downey, Jason Dunkelberger, Ahmed Elgohary, Sergey Feldman, Vu Ha, Rodney Kinney, Sebastian Kohlmeier, Kyle Lo, Tyler Murray, Hsu-Han Ooi, Matthew Peters, Joanna Power, Sam Skjonsberg, Lucy Lu Wang, Chris Wilhelm, Zheng Yuan, Madeleine van Zuylen, Oren Etzioni
We describe a deployed scalable system for organizing published scientific literature into a heterogeneous graph to facilitate algorithmic manipulation and discovery.
1 code implementation • NAACL 2018 • Chandra Bhagavatula, Sergey Feldman, Russell Power, Waleed Ammar
We present a content-based method for recommending citations in an academic paper draft.
1 code implementation • ACL 2017 • Matthew E. Peters, Waleed Ammar, Chandra Bhagavatula, Russell Power
Pre-trained word embeddings learned from unlabeled text have become a standard component of neural network architectures for NLP tasks.
Ranked #4 on Named Entity Recognition on CoNLL 2003 (English)