Search Results for author: Chang Cai

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

"My Grade is Wrong!": A Contestable AI Framework for Interactive Feedback in Evaluating Student Essays

no code implementations11 Sep 2024 Shengxin Hong, Chang Cai, Sixuan Du, Haiyue Feng, Siyuan Liu, Xiuyi Fan

A case study on 500 critical thinking essays with user studies demonstrates that CAELF significantly improves interactive feedback, enhancing the reasoning and interaction capabilities of LLMs.

Multi-Device Task-Oriented Communication via Maximal Coding Rate Reduction

1 code implementation6 Sep 2023 Chang Cai, Xiaojun Yuan, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang

In this paper, we consider a task-oriented multi-device edge inference system over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple-access channel, where the learning (i. e., feature encoding and classification) and communication (i. e., precoding) modules are designed with the same goal of inference accuracy maximization.

Joint Learning of Full-structure Noise in Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Models

1 code implementation1 Jan 2021 Ali Hashemi, Chang Cai, Klaus Robert Muller, Srikantan Nagarajan, Stefan Haufe

We consider hierarchical Bayesian (type-II maximum likelihood) regression models for observations with latent variables for source and noise, where parameters of priors for source and noise terms need to be estimated jointly from data.

EEG regression

Graph Neural Networks for UnsupervisedDomain Adaptation of Histopathological ImageAnalytics

no code implementations21 Aug 2020 Dou Xu, Chang Cai, Chaowei Fang, Bin Kong, Jihua Zhu, Zhongyu Li

To thisend, we present a novel method for the unsupervised domain adaptationin histopathological image analysis, based on a backbone for embeddinginput images into a feature space, and a graph neural layer for propa-gating the supervision signals of images with labels.

Contrastive Learning Graph Neural Network +4

Deep Doubly Supervised Transfer Network for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with Imbalanced Ultrasound Imaging Modalities

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Han Xiangmin, Wang Jun, Zhou Weijun, Chang Cai, Ying Shihui, Shi Jun

However, joint utilization of both BUS and EUS is not popular due to the lack of EUS devices in rural hospitals, which arouses a novel modality im-balance problem in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) for breast cancers.

Transfer Learning

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