Search Results for author: Changhyun Kwon

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

PARCO: Learning Parallel Autoregressive Policies for Efficient Multi-Agent Combinatorial Optimization

1 code implementation5 Sep 2024 Federico Berto, Chuanbo Hua, Laurin Luttmann, Jiwoo Son, Junyoung Park, Kyuree Ahn, Changhyun Kwon, Lin Xie, Jinkyoo Park

Multi-agent combinatorial optimization problems such as routing and scheduling have great practical relevance but present challenges due to their NP-hard combinatorial nature, hard constraints on the number of possible agents, and hard-to-optimize objective functions.

Combinatorial Optimization Decision Making +1

Genetic Algorithms with Neural Cost Predictor for Solving Hierarchical Vehicle Routing Problems

1 code implementation22 Oct 2023 Abhay Sobhanan, Junyoung Park, Jinkyoo Park, Changhyun Kwon

For each higher-level decision candidate, we predict the objective function values of the underlying vehicle routing problems using a pre-trained graph neural network without actually solving the routing problems.

Graph Neural Network

A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the min-max Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Sasan Mahmoudinazlou, Changhyun Kwon

This paper proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm for solving the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP) to minimize the length of the longest tour.

Diversity Traveling Salesman Problem

A Neural Separation Algorithm for the Rounded Capacity Inequalities

1 code implementation29 Jun 2023 Hyeonah Kim, Jinkyoo Park, Changhyun Kwon

We design a learning-based separation heuristic algorithm with graph coarsening that learns the solutions of the exact separation problem with a graph neural network (GNN), which is trained with small instances of 50 to 100 customers.

Graph Neural Network

A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Type-Aware Chromosomes for Traveling Salesman Problems with Drone

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Sasan Mahmoudinazlou, Changhyun Kwon

This study presents a hybrid genetic algorithm for solving TSPD and FSTSP by incorporating local search and dynamic programming.

Decision Making Traveling Salesman Problem

A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Rebalancing Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems

1 code implementation5 Oct 2020 Aigerim Bogyrbayeva, Sungwook Jang, Ankit Shah, Young Jae Jang, Changhyun Kwon

This paper proposes a reinforcement learning approach for nightly offline rebalancing operations in free-floating electric vehicle sharing systems (FFEVSS).

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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