Search Results for author: Changping Peng

Found 15 papers, 2 papers with code

Domain-Aware Cross-Attention for Cross-domain Recommendation

no code implementations22 Jan 2024 Yuhao Luo, Shiwei Ma, Mingjun Nie, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao, Qianfang Xu

Cross-domain recommendation (CDR) is an important method to improve recommender system performance, especially when observations in target domains are sparse.

Recommendation Systems

An Incremental Update Framework for Online Recommenders with Data-Driven Prior

no code implementations26 Dec 2023 Chen Yang, Jin Chen, Qian Yu, Xiangdong Wu, Kui Ma, Zihao Zhao, Zhiwei Fang, Wenlong Chen, Chaosheng Fan, Jie He, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao

To address the aforementioned issue, we propose an incremental update framework for online recommenders with Data-Driven Prior (DDP), which is composed of Feature Prior (FP) and Model Prior (MP).

Continual Learning

Parallel Ranking of Ads and Creatives in Real-Time Advertising Systems

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Zhiguang Yang, Lu Wang, Chun Gan, Liufang Sang, Haoran Wang, Wenlong Chen, Jie He, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao

In this paper, we propose for the first time a novel architecture for online parallel estimation of ads and creatives ranking, as well as the corresponding offline joint optimization model.


Cross-Subject Data Splitting for Brain-to-Text Decoding

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Congchi Yin, Qian Yu, Zhiwei Fang, Jie He, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao, Piji Li

Such splitting method poses challenges to the utilization efficiency of dataset as well as the generalization of models.

Decoder EEG

Rethinking Large-scale Pre-ranking System: Entire-chain Cross-domain Models

1 code implementation12 Oct 2023 Jinbo Song, Ruoran Huang, Xinyang Wang, Wei Huang, Qian Yu, Mingming Chen, Yafei Yao, Chaosheng Fan, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jinghe Hu, Jingping Shao

Industrial systems such as recommender systems and online advertising, have been widely equipped with multi-stage architectures, which are divided into several cascaded modules, including matching, pre-ranking, ranking and re-ranking.

Recommendation Systems Re-Ranking +1

JDRec: Practical Actor-Critic Framework for Online Combinatorial Recommender System

no code implementations27 Jul 2022 Xin Zhao, Zhiwei Fang, Yuchen Guo, Jie He, Wenlong Chen, Changping Peng

A combinatorial recommender (CR) system feeds a list of items to a user at a time in the result page, in which the user behavior is affected by both contextual information and items.

Combinatorial Optimization Recommendation Systems

NDGGNET-A Node Independent Gate based Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations11 May 2022 Ye Tang, Xuesong Yang, Xinrui Liu, Xiwei Zhao, Zhangang Lin, Changping Peng

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is an architecture for structural data, and has been adopted in a mass of tasks and achieved fabulous results, such as link prediction, node classification, graph classification and so on.

Graph Classification Link Prediction +1

IA-GCN: Interactive Graph Convolutional Network for Recommendation

1 code implementation8 Apr 2022 Yinan Zhang, Pei Wang, Congcong Liu, Xiwei Zhao, Hao Qi, Jie He, Junsheng Jin, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao

In this work, we address this problem by building bilateral interactive guidance between each user-item pair and proposing a new model named IA-GCN (short for InterActive GCN).

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

On the Adaptation to Concept Drift for CTR Prediction

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Congcong Liu, Yuejiang Li, Fei Teng, Xiwei Zhao, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jinghe Hu, Jingping Shao

Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is a crucial task in web search, recommender systems, and online advertisement displaying.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Incremental Learning +1

Dynamic Parameterized Network for CTR Prediction

no code implementations9 Nov 2021 Jian Zhu, Congcong Liu, Pei Wang, Xiwei Zhao, Guangpeng Chen, Junsheng Jin, Changping Peng, Zhangang Lin, Jingping Shao

Learning to capture feature relations effectively and efficiently is essential in click-through rate (CTR) prediction of modern recommendation systems.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Recommendation Systems

Blending Advertising with Organic Content in E-Commerce: A Virtual Bids Optimization Approach

no code implementations28 May 2021 Carlos Carrion, Zenan Wang, Harikesh Nair, Xianghong Luo, Yulin Lei, Xiliang Lin, Wenlong Chen, Qiyu Hu, Changping Peng, Yongjun Bao, Weipeng Yan

In e-commerce platforms, sponsored and non-sponsored content are jointly displayed to users and both may interactively influence their engagement behavior.


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