Search Results for author: Changqing Zhang

Found 52 papers, 26 papers with code

Exploring Task-Level Optimal Prompts for Visual In-Context Learning

no code implementations15 Jan 2025 Yan Zhu, Huan Ma, Changqing Zhang

With the development of Vision Foundation Models (VFMs) in recent years, Visual In-Context Learning (VICL) has become a better choice compared to modifying models in most scenarios.

In-Context Learning

Out-Of-Distribution Detection with Diversification (Provably)

1 code implementation21 Nov 2024 Haiyun Yao, Zongbo Han, Huazhu Fu, Xi Peng, QinGhua Hu, Changqing Zhang

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for ensuring reliable deployment of machine learning models.

Diversity Out-of-Distribution Detection +1

Test-Time Dynamic Image Fusion

1 code implementation5 Nov 2024 Bing Cao, Yinan Xia, Yi Ding, Changqing Zhang, QinGhua Hu

The decomposed components represent the effective information from the source data, thus the gap between them reflects the Relative Dominability (RD) of the uni-source data in constructing the fusion image.

COME: Test-time adaption by Conservatively Minimizing Entropy

no code implementations12 Oct 2024 Qingyang Zhang, Yatao Bian, Xinke Kong, Peilin Zhao, Changqing Zhang

Machine learning models must continuously self-adjust themselves for novel data distribution in the open world.

The Best of Both Worlds: On the Dilemma of Out-of-distribution Detection

1 code implementation12 Oct 2024 Qingyang Zhang, Qiuxuan Feng, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Yatao Bian, QinGhua Hu, Changqing Zhang

To our best knowledge, this work is the first principled OOD detection method that achieves state-of-the-art OOD detection performance without compromising OOD generalization ability.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

DOTA: Distributional Test-Time Adaptation of Vision-Language Models

no code implementations28 Sep 2024 Zongbo Han, Jialong Yang, Junfan Li, QinGhua Hu, Qianli Xu, Mike Zheng Shou, Changqing Zhang

Instead of naively memorizing representative test samples, Dota continually estimates the distributions of test samples, allowing the model to continually adapt to the deployment environment.

Test-time Adaptation

Predictive Dynamic Fusion

1 code implementation7 Jun 2024 Bing Cao, Yinan Xia, Yi Ding, Changqing Zhang, QinGhua Hu

Accordingly, we further propose a relative calibration strategy to calibrate the predicted Co-Belief for potential uncertainty.

Decision Making

Multimodal Fusion on Low-quality Data: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations27 Apr 2024 Qingyang Zhang, Yake Wei, Zongbo Han, Huazhu Fu, Xi Peng, Cheng Deng, QinGhua Hu, Cai Xu, Jie Wen, Di Hu, Changqing Zhang

Multimodal fusion focuses on integrating information from multiple modalities with the goal of more accurate prediction, which has achieved remarkable progress in a wide range of scenarios, including autonomous driving and medical diagnosis.

Autonomous Driving Medical Diagnosis +1

Spurious Feature Eraser: Stabilizing Test-Time Adaptation for Vision-Language Foundation Model

1 code implementation1 Mar 2024 Huan Ma, Yan Zhu, Changqing Zhang, Peilin Zhao, Baoyuan Wu, Long-Kai Huang, QinGhua Hu, Bingzhe Wu

Vision-language foundation models have exhibited remarkable success across a multitude of downstream tasks due to their scalability on extensive image-text paired data.

Fine-Grained Image Classification Language Modelling +1

Selective Learning: Towards Robust Calibration with Dynamic Regularization

no code implementations13 Feb 2024 Zongbo Han, Yifeng Yang, Changqing Zhang, Linjun Zhang, Joey Tianyi Zhou, QinGhua Hu

The objective can be understood as seeking a model that fits the ground-truth labels by increasing the confidence while also maximizing the entropy of predicted probabilities by decreasing the confidence.

Skip \n: A Simple Method to Reduce Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models

2 code implementations2 Feb 2024 Zongbo Han, Zechen Bai, Haiyang Mei, Qianli Xu, Changqing Zhang, Mike Zheng Shou

Recent advancements in large vision-language models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in visual information understanding with human language.


ID-like Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Out-of-Distribution Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Yichen Bai, Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, Bing Cao, Xiaoheng Jiang, QinGhua Hu

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods often exploit auxiliary outliers to train model identifying OOD samples, especially discovering challenging outliers from auxiliary outliers dataset to improve OOD detection.

Few-Shot Learning Out-of-Distribution Detection +1

Adapting Large Language Models for Content Moderation: Pitfalls in Data Engineering and Supervised Fine-tuning

no code implementations5 Oct 2023 Huan Ma, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Peilin Zhao, Bingzhe Wu

Specifically, we discuss the differences between discriminative and generative models using content moderation as an example.

Semantic Equivariant Mixup

no code implementations12 Aug 2023 Zongbo Han, Tianchi Xie, Bingzhe Wu, QinGhua Hu, Changqing Zhang

Then a generic mixup regularization at the representation level is proposed, which can further regularize the model with the semantic information in mixed samples.

Data Augmentation

Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning

1 code implementation journal 2023 Huan Ma, Qingyang Zhang, Changqing Zhang, Bingzhe Wu, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou, QinGhua Hu

Specifically, we find that the confidence estimated by current models could even increase when some modalities are corrupted.

Provable Dynamic Fusion for Low-Quality Multimodal Data

1 code implementation3 Jun 2023 Qingyang Zhang, Haitao Wu, Changqing Zhang, QinGhua Hu, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Xi Peng

The inherent challenge of multimodal fusion is to precisely capture the cross-modal correlation and flexibly conduct cross-modal interaction.

dugMatting: Decomposed-Uncertainty-Guided Matting

1 code implementation2 Jun 2023 Jiawei Wu, Changqing Zhang, Zuoyong Li, Huazhu Fu, Xi Peng, Joey Tianyi Zhou

Cutting out an object and estimating its opacity mask, known as image matting, is a key task in image and video editing.

Image Matting Video Editing

Calibrating Multimodal Learning

no code implementations2 Jun 2023 Huan Ma. Qingyang Zhang, Changqing Zhang, Bingzhe Wu, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou, QinGhua Hu

Specifically, we find that the confidence estimated by current models could even increase when some modalities are corrupted.

Semantic Invariant Multi-view Clustering with Fully Incomplete Information

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Pengxin Zeng, Mouxing Yang, Yiding Lu, Changqing Zhang, Peng Hu, Xi Peng

To address this problem, we present a novel framework called SeMantic Invariance LEarning (SMILE) for multi-view clustering with incomplete information that does not require any paired samples.


Reweighted Mixup for Subpopulation Shift

no code implementations9 Apr 2023 Zongbo Han, Zhipeng Liang, Fan Yang, Liu Liu, Lanqing Li, Yatao Bian, Peilin Zhao, QinGhua Hu, Bingzhe Wu, Changqing Zhang, Jianhua Yao

Subpopulation shift exists widely in many real-world applications, which refers to the training and test distributions that contain the same subpopulation groups but with different subpopulation proportions.

Fairness Generalization Bounds

Balanced Audiovisual Dataset for Imbalance Analysis

1 code implementation14 Feb 2023 Wenke Xia, Xu Zhao, Xincheng Pang, Changqing Zhang, Di Hu

We surprisingly find that: the multimodal models with existing imbalance algorithms consistently perform worse than the unimodal one on specific subsets, in accordance with the modality bias.

Graph Matching with Bi-level Noisy Correspondence

3 code implementations ICCV 2023 Yijie Lin, Mouxing Yang, Jun Yu, Peng Hu, Changqing Zhang, Xi Peng

In this paper, we study a novel and widely existing problem in graph matching (GM), namely, Bi-level Noisy Correspondence (BNC), which refers to node-level noisy correspondence (NNC) and edge-level noisy correspondence (ENC).

Contrastive Learning Graph Learning +1

UMIX: Improving Importance Weighting for Subpopulation Shift via Uncertainty-Aware Mixup

1 code implementation19 Sep 2022 Zongbo Han, Zhipeng Liang, Fan Yang, Liu Liu, Lanqing Li, Yatao Bian, Peilin Zhao, Bingzhe Wu, Changqing Zhang, Jianhua Yao

Importance reweighting is a normal way to handle the subpopulation shift issue by imposing constant or adaptive sampling weights on each sample in the training dataset.

Generalization Bounds

Trusted Multi-View Classification with Dynamic Evidential Fusion

2 code implementations25 Apr 2022 Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou

With this in mind, we propose a novel multi-view classification algorithm, termed trusted multi-view classification (TMC), providing a new paradigm for multi-view learning by dynamically integrating different views at an evidence level.


Uncertainty-Aware Multi-View Representation Learning

no code implementations15 Jan 2022 Yu Geng, Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, QinGhua Hu

Under the help of uncertainty, DUA-Nets weigh each view of individual sample according to data quality so that the high-quality samples (or views) can be fully exploited while the effects from the noisy samples (or views) will be alleviated.

MULTI-VIEW LEARNING Representation Learning

Multimodal Dynamics: Dynamical Fusion for Trustworthy Multimodal Classification

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Zongbo Han, Fan Yang, Junzhou Huang, Changqing Zhang, Jianhua Yao

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to jointly model both feature and modality variation for different samples to provide trustworthy fusion in multi-modal classification.

Informativeness Medical Diagnosis +1

Trustworthy Long-Tailed Classification

2 code implementations CVPR 2022 Bolian Li, Zongbo Han, Haining Li, Huazhu Fu, Changqing Zhang

To address these issues, we propose a Trustworthy Long-tailed Classification (TLC) method to jointly conduct classification and uncertainty estimation to identify hard samples in a multi-expert framework.

Classification Long-tail Learning +1

Trustworthy Multimodal Regression with Mixture of Normal-inverse Gamma Distributions

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Huan Ma, Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou, QinGhua Hu

Multimodal regression is a fundamental task, which integrates the information from different sources to improve the performance of follow-up applications.

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis regression

Identifying Incorrect Classifications with Balanced Uncertainty

1 code implementation15 Oct 2021 Bolian Li, Zige Zheng, Changqing Zhang

Uncertainty estimation is critical for cost-sensitive deep-learning applications (i. e. disease diagnosis).

Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

Trusted Multi-View Classification

5 code implementations ICLR 2021 Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou

To this end, we propose a novel multi-view classification method, termed trusted multi-view classification, which provides a new paradigm for multi-view learning by dynamically integrating different views at an evidence level.

Classification General Classification +1

Multi-View Disentangled Representation

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Zongbo Han, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, QinGhua Hu, Joey Tianyi Zhou

Learning effective representations for data with multiple views is crucial in machine learning and pattern recognition.


Deep Partial Multi-View Learning

no code implementations12 Nov 2020 Changqing Zhang, Yajie Cui, Zongbo Han, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Huazhu Fu, QinGhua Hu

Although multi-view learning has made signifificant progress over the past few decades, it is still challenging due to the diffificulty in modeling complex correlations among different views, especially under the context of view missing.


SPL-MLL: Selecting Predictable Landmarks for Multi-Label Learning

no code implementations ECCV 2020 Junbing Li, Changqing Zhang, Pengfei Zhu, Baoyuan Wu, Lei Chen, QinGhua Hu

Although significant progress achieved, multi-label classification is still challenging due to the complexity of correlations among different labels.

General Classification Multi-Label Classification +2

M2Net: Multi-modal Multi-channel Network for Overall Survival Time Prediction of Brain Tumor Patients

1 code implementation1 Jun 2020 Tao Zhou, Huazhu Fu, Yu Zhang, Changqing Zhang, Xiankai Lu, Jianbing Shen, Ling Shao

Then, we use a modality-specific network to extract implicit and high-level features from different MR scans.

Ball k-means

no code implementations2 May 2020 Shuyin Xia, Daowan Peng, Deyu Meng, Changqing Zhang, Guoyin Wang, Zizhong Chen, Wei Wei

The assigned cluster of the points in the stable area is not changed in the current iteration while the points in the annulus area will be adjusted within a few neighbor clusters in the current iteration.


CPM-Nets: Cross Partial Multi-View Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Changqing Zhang, Zongbo Han, Yajie Cui, Huazhu Fu, Joey Tianyi Zhou, QinGhua Hu

Despite multi-view learning progressed fast in past decades, it is still challenging due to the difficulty in modeling complex correlation among different views, especially under the context of view missing.


AE2-Nets: Autoencoder in Autoencoder Networks

no code implementations CVPR 2019 Changqing Zhang, Yeqing Liu, Huazhu Fu

The proposed method has the following merits: (1) our model jointly performs view-specific representation learning (with the inner autoencoder networks) and multi-view information encoding (with the outer autoencoder networks) in a unified framework; (2) due to the degradation process from the latent representation to each single view, our model flexibly balances the complementarity and consistence among multiple views.

Clustering Representation Learning

Unsupervised Degradation Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations11 Dec 2018 Tianyu Zhao, Wenqi Ren, Changqing Zhang, Dongwei Ren, QinGhua Hu

Specifically, we propose a degradation network to model the real-world degradation process from HR to LR via generative adversarial networks, and these generated realistic LR images paired with real-world HR images are exploited for training the SR reconstruction network, forming the first cycle.

Image Super-Resolution

Disc-aware Ensemble Network for Glaucoma Screening from Fundus Image

3 code implementations19 May 2018 Huazhu Fu, Jun Cheng, Yanwu Xu, Changqing Zhang, Damon Wing Kee Wong, Jiang Liu, Xiaochun Cao

Specifically, a novel Disc-aware Ensemble Network (DENet) for automatic glaucoma screening is proposed, which integrates the deep hierarchical context of the global fundus image and the local optic disc region.

K-means clustering for efficient and robust registration of multi-view point sets

no code implementations14 Oct 2017 Zutao Jiang, Jihua Zhu, Georgios D. Evangelidis, Changqing Zhang, Shanmin Pang, Yaochen Li

Subsequently, the shape comprised by all cluster centroids is used to sequentially estimate the rigid transformation for each point set.


Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Changqing Zhang, QinGhua Hu, Huazhu Fu, Pengfei Zhu, Xiaochun Cao

In this paper, we propose a novel Latent Multi-view Subspace Clustering (LMSC) method, which clusters data points with latent representation and simultaneously explores underlying complementary information from multiple views.

Clustering Multi-view Subspace Clustering

SketchNet: Sketch Classification With Web Images

no code implementations CVPR 2016 Hua Zhang, Si Liu, Changqing Zhang, Wenqi Ren, Rui Wang, Xiaochun Cao

In this study, we present a weakly supervised approach that discovers the discriminative structures of sketch images, given pairs of sketch images and web images.

Classification General Classification +1

Low-Rank Tensor Constrained Multiview Subspace Clustering

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Si Liu, Guangcan Liu, Xiaochun Cao

We introduce a low-rank tensor constraint to explore the complementary information from multiple views and, accordingly, establish a novel method called Low-rank Tensor constrained Multiview Subspace Clustering (LT-MSC).


Diversity-Induced Multi-View Subspace Clustering

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Xiaochun Cao, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu, Si Liu, Hua Zhang

In this paper, we focus on how to boost the multi-view clustering by exploring the complementary information among multi-view features.

Clustering Diversity +2

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