no code implementations • CCL 2021 • Changwei Xu, Minxuan Feng, Bin Li, Yiguo Yuan
"《古籍汉字分级字表》是基于大规模古籍文本语料库、为辅助学习者古籍文献阅读而研制的分级字表。该字表填补了古籍字表研究成果的空缺, 依据各汉字学习优先级别的不同, 实现了古籍汉字的等级划分, 目前收录一级字105个, 二级字340个, 三级字555个。本文介绍了该字表研制的主要依据和基本步骤, 并将其与传统识字教材“三百千”及《现代汉语常用字表》进行比较, 验证了其收字的合理性。该字表有助于学习者优先掌握古籍文本常用字, 提升古籍阅读能力, 从而促进中华优秀传统文化的继承与发展。”
1 code implementation • COLING 2022 • Feiqi Cao, Soyeon Caren Han, Siqu Long, Changwei Xu, Josiah Poon
Attention mechanism has been used as an important component across Vision-and-Language(VL) tasks in order to bridge the semantic gap between visual and textual features.
no code implementations • 28 Jan 2022 • Changwei Xu, Jianfei Yang, Haoran Tang, Han Zou, Cheng Lu, Tianshuo Zhang
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), a branch of transfer learning where labels for target samples are unavailable, has been widely researched and developed in recent years with the help of adversarially trained models.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Ning Cheng, Bin Li, Liming Xiao, Changwei Xu, Sijia Ge, Xingyue Hao, Minxuan Feng
The basic tasks of ancient Chinese information processing include automatic sentence segmentation, word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition.