Search Results for author: Changying Du

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Efficient and Adaptive Kernelization for Nonlinear Max-margin Multi-view Learning

no code implementations11 Oct 2019 Changying Du, Jia He, Changde Du, Fuzhen Zhuang, Qing He, Guoping Long

Existing multi-view learning methods based on kernel function either require the user to select and tune a single predefined kernel or have to compute and store many Gram matrices to perform multiple kernel learning.


Learning beyond Predefined Label Space via Bayesian Nonparametric Topic Modelling

no code implementations10 Oct 2019 Changying Du, Fuzhen Zhuang, Jia He, Qing He, Guoping Long

In real world machine learning applications, testing data may contain some meaningful new categories that have not been seen in labeled training data.

Sharing deep generative representation for perceived image reconstruction from human brain activity

1 code implementation25 Apr 2017 Changde Du, Changying Du, Huiguang He

Sharing a common latent representation, our joint generative model of external stimulus and brain response is not only "deep" in extracting nonlinear features from visual images, but also powerful in capturing correlations among voxel activities of fMRI recordings.

Bayesian Inference Image Reconstruction

Semi-supervised Bayesian Deep Multi-modal Emotion Recognition

no code implementations25 Apr 2017 Changde Du, Changying Du, Jinpeng Li, Wei-Long Zheng, Bao-liang Lu, Huiguang He

In this paper, we first build a multi-view deep generative model to simulate the generative process of multi-modality emotional data.

Emotion Recognition Imputation

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