Search Results for author: Changyu Gao

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Optimal Rates for Robust Stochastic Convex Optimization

no code implementations15 Dec 2024 Changyu Gao, Andrew Lowy, Xingyu Zhou, Stephen J. Wright

Machine learning algorithms in high-dimensional settings are highly susceptible to the influence of even a small fraction of structured outliers, making robust optimization techniques essential.

Private Heterogeneous Federated Learning Without a Trusted Server Revisited: Error-Optimal and Communication-Efficient Algorithms for Convex Losses

no code implementations12 Jul 2024 Changyu Gao, Andrew Lowy, Xingyu Zhou, Stephen J. Wright

In this context, every silo (e. g. hospital) has data from several people (e. g. patients) and needs to protect the privacy of each person's data (e. g. health records), even if the server and/or other silos try to uncover this data.

Federated Learning

Convex and Bilevel Optimization for Neuro-Symbolic Inference and Learning

3 code implementations17 Jan 2024 Charles Dickens, Changyu Gao, Connor Pryor, Stephen Wright, Lise Getoor

We leverage convex and bilevel optimization techniques to develop a general gradient-based parameter learning framework for neural-symbolic (NeSy) systems.

Bilevel Optimization

Differentially Private Optimization for Smooth Nonconvex ERM

no code implementations9 Feb 2023 Changyu Gao, Stephen J. Wright

We develop simple differentially private optimization algorithms that move along directions of (expected) descent to find an approximate second-order solution for nonconvex ERM.

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