Search Results for author: Chaoqin Huang

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

Self-supervised Anomaly Detection Pretraining Enhances Long-tail ECG Diagnosis

1 code implementation30 Aug 2024 Aofan Jiang, Chaoqin Huang, Qing Cao, Yuchen Xu, Zi Zeng, Kang Chen, Ya zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Current computer-aided ECG diagnostic systems struggle with the underdetection of rare but critical cardiac anomalies due to the imbalanced nature of ECG datasets.

Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection Specificity +1

Few-Shot Anomaly Detection via Category-Agnostic Registration Learning

1 code implementation13 Jun 2024 Chaoqin Huang, Haoyan Guan, Aofan Jiang, Ya zhang, Michael Spratling, Xinchao Wang, Yanfeng Wang

At test time, an image and its corresponding support set, consisting of a few normal images from the same category, are supplied, and anomalies are identified by comparing the registered features of the test image to its corresponding support image features.

Anomaly Detection Representation Learning

Q-value Regularized Transformer for Offline Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation27 May 2024 Shengchao Hu, Ziqing Fan, Chaoqin Huang, Li Shen, Ya zhang, Yanfeng Wang, DaCheng Tao

Recent advancements in offline reinforcement learning (RL) have underscored the capabilities of Conditional Sequence Modeling (CSM), a paradigm that learns the action distribution based on history trajectory and target returns for each state.

D4RL Offline RL +4

Anomaly Detection in Electrocardiograms: Advancing Clinical Diagnosis Through Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations7 Apr 2024 Aofan Jiang, Chaoqin Huang, Qing Cao, Yuchen Xu, Zi Zeng, Kang Chen, Ya zhang, Yanfeng Wang

We introduce a novel self-supervised learning framework for ECG AD, utilizing a vast dataset of normal ECGs to autonomously detect and localize cardiac anomalies.

Anomaly Localization Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection +3

Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly Detection in Medical Images

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Chaoqin Huang, Aofan Jiang, Jinghao Feng, Ya zhang, Xinchao Wang, Yanfeng Wang

Recent advancements in large-scale visual-language pre-trained models have led to significant progress in zero-/few-shot anomaly detection within natural image domains.

Anomaly Classification Anomaly Detection +1

Multi-Scale Memory Comparison for Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Detection

no code implementations9 Aug 2023 Chaoqin Huang, Aofan Jiang, Ya zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Anomaly detection has gained considerable attention due to its broad range of applications, particularly in industrial defect detection.

Anomaly Detection Defect Detection +1

Multi-scale Cross-restoration Framework for Electrocardiogram Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation3 Aug 2023 Aofan Jiang, Chaoqin Huang, Qing Cao, Shuang Wu, Zi Zeng, Kang Chen, Ya zhang, Yanfeng Wang

To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel multi-scale cross-restoration framework for ECG anomaly detection and localization that considers both local and global ECG characteristics.

Anomaly Detection

Registration based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation15 Jul 2022 Chaoqin Huang, Haoyan Guan, Aofan Jiang, Ya zhang, Michael Spratling, Yan-Feng Wang

Inspired by how humans detect anomalies, i. e., comparing an image in question to normal images, we here leverage registration, an image alignment task that is inherently generalizable across categories, as the proxy task, to train a category-agnostic anomaly detection model.

Anomaly Detection

Self-Supervised Masking for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization

no code implementations13 May 2022 Chaoqin Huang, Qinwei Xu, Yanfeng Wang, Yu Wang, Ya zhang

To extend the reconstruction-based anomaly detection architecture to the localized anomalies, we propose a self-supervised learning approach through random masking and then restoring, named Self-Supervised Masking (SSM) for unsupervised anomaly detection and localization.

Anomaly Localization Defect Detection +3

ESAD: End-to-end Deep Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection

no code implementations9 Dec 2020 Chaoqin Huang, Fei Ye, Peisen Zhao, Ya zhang, Yan-Feng Wang, Qi Tian

This paper explores semi-supervised anomaly detection, a more practical setting for anomaly detection where a small additional set of labeled samples are provided.

Ranked #27 on Anomaly Detection on One-class CIFAR-10 (using extra training data)

Decoder Medical Diagnosis +2

Deep Unsupervised Image Anomaly Detection: An Information Theoretic Framework

no code implementations9 Dec 2020 Fei Ye, Huangjie Zheng, Chaoqin Huang, Ya zhang

Based on this object function we introduce a novel information theoretic framework for unsupervised image anomaly detection.

Anomaly Detection

Attribute Restoration Framework for Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation25 Nov 2019 Chaoqin Huang, Fei Ye, Jinkun Cao, Maosen Li, Ya zhang, Cewu Lu

We here propose to break this equivalence by erasing selected attributes from the original data and reformulate it as a restoration task, where the normal and the anomalous data are expected to be distinguishable based on restoration errors.

Anomaly Detection Attribute +1

Recurrent Residual Module for Fast Inference in Videos

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Bowen Pan, Wuwei Lin, Xiaolin Fang, Chaoqin Huang, Bolei Zhou, Cewu Lu

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made impressive progress in many video recognition tasks such as video pose estimation and video object detection.

object-detection Pose Estimation +2

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