Search Results for author: Chaoxing Huang

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

A Systematic Post-Processing Approach for Quantitative $T_{1ρ}$ Imaging of Knee Articular Cartilage

no code implementations19 Sep 2024 Junru Zhong, Yongcheng Yao, Fan Xiao, Tim-Yun Michael Ong, Ki-Wai Kevin Ho, Siyue Li, Chaoxing Huang, Queenie Chan, James F. Griffith, Weitian Chen

Objective: To establish an automated pipeline for post-processing of quantitative spin-lattice relaxation time constant in the rotating frame ($T_{1\rho}$) imaging of knee articular cartilage.

Chemical Shift Encoding based Double Bonds Quantification in Triglycerides using Deep Image Prior

no code implementations2 Jul 2024 Chaoxing Huang, Ziqiang Yu, Zijian Gao, Qiuyi Shen, Queenie Chan, Vincent Wai-Sun Wong, Winnie Chiu-Wing Chu, Weitian Chen

Fatty acid can potentially serve as biomarker for evaluating metabolic disorder and inflammation condition, and quantifying the double bonds is the key for revealing fatty acid information.

An Uncertainty Aided Framework for Learning based Liver $T_1ρ$ Mapping and Analysis

no code implementations6 Jul 2023 Chaoxing Huang, Vincent Wai Sun Wong, Queenie Chan, Winnie Chiu Wing Chu, Weitian Chen

Approach: To address this need, we propose a parametric map refinement approach for learning-based $T_1\rho$ mapping and train the model in a probabilistic way to model the uncertainty.

Uncertainty-Aware Self-supervised Neural Network for Liver $T_{1ρ}$ Mapping with Relaxation Constraint

no code implementations7 Jul 2022 Chaoxing Huang, Yurui Qian, Simon Chun Ho Yu, Jian Hou, Baiyan Jiang, Queenie Chan, Vincent Wai-Sun Wong, Winnie Chiu-Wing Chu, Weitian Chen

Epistemic uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty are modelled for the $T_{1\rho}$ quantification network to provide a Bayesian confidence estimation of the $T_{1\rho}$ mapping.

Self-Supervised Learning

Event-based Timestamp Image Encoding Network for Human Action Recognition and Anticipation

no code implementations12 Apr 2021 Chaoxing Huang

In addition, we propose a future timestamp image generator to generate futureaction information to aid the model to anticipate the human action when the action is not completed.

Action Recognition Action Understanding +2

Event-based Action Recognition Using Timestamp Image Encoding Network

no code implementations28 Sep 2020 Chaoxing Huang

Event camera is an asynchronous, high frequency vision sensor with low power consumption, which is suitable for human action recognition task.

Action Recognition Gesture Recognition +1

A Genetic Feature Selection Based Two-stream Neural Network for Anger Veracity Recognition

no code implementations6 Sep 2020 Chaoxing Huang, Xuanying Zhu, Tom Gedeon

For example, acted anger can be expressed when stimuli is not genuinely angry with an aim to manipulate the observer.

Emotion Recognition feature selection +2

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