Search Results for author: Charles C. Kemp

Found 21 papers, 13 papers with code

ForceSight: Text-Guided Mobile Manipulation with Visual-Force Goals

1 code implementation21 Sep 2023 Jeremy A. Collins, Cody Houff, You Liang Tan, Charles C. Kemp

Given a single RGBD image combined with a text prompt, ForceSight determines a target end-effector pose in the camera frame (kinematic goal) and the associated forces (force goal).

PressureVision++: Estimating Fingertip Pressure from Diverse RGB Images

no code implementations5 Jan 2023 Patrick Grady, Jeremy A. Collins, Chengcheng Tang, Christopher D. Twigg, Kunal Aneja, James Hays, Charles C. Kemp

We present a novel approach that enables diverse data to be captured with only an RGB camera and a cooperative participant.

Mixed Reality

PressureVision: Estimating Hand Pressure from a Single RGB Image

1 code implementation19 Mar 2022 Patrick Grady, Chengcheng Tang, Samarth Brahmbhatt, Christopher D. Twigg, Chengde Wan, James Hays, Charles C. Kemp

We also show that the output of our model depends on the appearance of the hand and cast shadows near contact regions.

Contact mechanics

BodyPressure -- Inferring Body Pose and Contact Pressure from a Depth Image

1 code implementation20 May 2021 Henry M. Clever, Patrick Grady, Greg Turk, Charles C. Kemp

We present a method that infers contact pressure between a human body and a mattress from a depth image.

Image Generation

ContactOpt: Optimizing Contact to Improve Grasps

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Patrick Grady, Chengcheng Tang, Christopher D. Twigg, Minh Vo, Samarth Brahmbhatt, Charles C. Kemp

Given a hand mesh and an object mesh, a deep model trained on ground truth contact data infers desirable contact across the surfaces of the meshes.

Learning to Manipulate Amorphous Materials

no code implementations3 Mar 2021 Yunbo Zhang, Wenhao Yu, C. Karen Liu, Charles C. Kemp, Greg Turk

We produce a final animation by using inverse kinematics to guide a character's arm and hand to match the motion of the manipulation tool such as a knife or a frying pan.

Material Recognition via Heat Transfer Given Ambiguous Initial Conditions

no code implementations3 Dec 2020 Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Henry M. Clever, Joshua Wade, Charles C. Kemp

We also found that robots can overcome this ambiguity using two temperature sensors with different temperatures prior to contact.

Material Recognition Robotics

Assistive VR Gym: Interactions with Real People to Improve Virtual Assistive Robots

1 code implementation9 Jul 2020 Zackory Erickson, Yijun Gu, Charles C. Kemp

Through a formal study with eight participants in AVR Gym, we found that the Original policies performed poorly, the Revised policies performed significantly better, and that improvements to the biomechanical models used to train the Revised policies resulted in simulated people that better match real participants.

Multimodal Material Classification for Robots using Spectroscopy and High Resolution Texture Imaging

1 code implementation2 Apr 2020 Zackory Erickson, Eliot Xing, Bharat Srirangam, Sonia Chernova, Charles C. Kemp

Finally, we present how a robot can combine this high resolution local sensing with images from the robot's head-mounted camera to achieve accurate material classification over a scene of objects on a table.

General Classification Material Classification +1

Bodies at Rest: 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from a Pressure Image using Synthetic Data

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Henry M. Clever, Zackory Erickson, Ariel Kapusta, Greg Turk, C. Karen Liu, Charles C. Kemp

We describe a physics-based method that simulates human bodies at rest in a bed with a pressure sensing mat, and present PressurePose, a synthetic dataset with 206K pressure images with 3D human poses and shapes.

3D human pose and shape estimation 3D Human Shape Estimation +1

Assistive Gym: A Physics Simulation Framework for Assistive Robotics

4 code implementations10 Oct 2019 Zackory Erickson, Vamsee Gangaram, Ariel Kapusta, C. Karen Liu, Charles C. Kemp

Assistive Gym models a person's physical capabilities and preferences for assistance, which are used to provide a reward function.

Reinforcement Learning

Learning to Collaborate from Simulation for Robot-Assisted Dressing

no code implementations14 Sep 2019 Alexander Clegg, Zackory Erickson, Patrick Grady, Greg Turk, Charles C. Kemp, C. Karen Liu

We investigated the application of haptic feedback control and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to robot-assisted dressing.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Towards Markerless Grasp Capture

no code implementations17 Jul 2019 Samarth Brahmbhatt, Charles C. Kemp, James Hays

However, grasp capture - capturing the pose of a hand grasping an object, and orienting it w. r. t.

Diversity Hand Pose Estimation +1

ContactDB: Analyzing and Predicting Grasp Contact via Thermal Imaging

2 code implementations CVPR 2019 Samarth Brahmbhatt, Cusuh Ham, Charles C. Kemp, James Hays

We present ContactDB, a novel dataset of contact maps for household objects that captures the rich hand-object contact that occurs during grasping, enabled by use of a thermal camera.

Grasp Contact Prediction Object +1

Classification of Household Materials via Spectroscopy

2 code implementations10 May 2018 Zackory Erickson, Nathan Luskey, Sonia Chernova, Charles C. Kemp

To explore this, we collected a dataset of spectral measurements from two commercially available spectrometers during which a robotic platform interacted with 50 flat material objects, and we show that a neural network model can accurately analyze these measurements.

Classification General Classification +3

3D Human Pose Estimation on a Configurable Bed from a Pressure Image

no code implementations21 Apr 2018 Henry M. Clever, Ariel Kapusta, Daehyung Park, Zackory Erickson, Yash Chitalia, Charles C. Kemp

In this work, we present two convolutional neural networks to estimate the 3D joint positions of a person in a configurable bed from a single pressure image.

3D Human Pose Estimation

Deep Haptic Model Predictive Control for Robot-Assisted Dressing

no code implementations27 Sep 2017 Zackory Erickson, Henry M. Clever, Greg Turk, C. Karen Liu, Charles C. Kemp

The physical implications of dressing are complicated by non-rigid garments, which can result in a robot indirectly applying high forces to a person's body.

Common Sense Reasoning Model Predictive Control

Semi-Supervised Haptic Material Recognition for Robots using Generative Adversarial Networks

1 code implementation10 Jul 2017 Zackory Erickson, Sonia Chernova, Charles C. Kemp

Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results and enables a robot to estimate the material class of household objects with ~90% accuracy when 92% of the training data are unlabeled.

Material Recognition Time Series +1

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