no code implementations • 5 Oct 2024 • Shashank Yadav, Rohan Tomar, Garvit Jain, Chirag Ahooja, Shubham Chaudhary, Charles Elkan
This paper introduces Gamified Adversarial Prompting (GAP), a framework that crowd-sources high-quality data for visual instruction tuning of large multimodal models.
Ranked #22 on Visual Question Answering on MM-Vet
no code implementations • 29 Mar 2019 • Alexander Ratner, Dan Alistarh, Gustavo Alonso, David G. Andersen, Peter Bailis, Sarah Bird, Nicholas Carlini, Bryan Catanzaro, Jennifer Chayes, Eric Chung, Bill Dally, Jeff Dean, Inderjit S. Dhillon, Alexandros Dimakis, Pradeep Dubey, Charles Elkan, Grigori Fursin, Gregory R. Ganger, Lise Getoor, Phillip B. Gibbons, Garth A. Gibson, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Justin Gottschlich, Song Han, Kim Hazelwood, Furong Huang, Martin Jaggi, Kevin Jamieson, Michael. I. Jordan, Gauri Joshi, Rania Khalaf, Jason Knight, Jakub Konečný, Tim Kraska, Arun Kumar, Anastasios Kyrillidis, Aparna Lakshmiratan, Jing Li, Samuel Madden, H. Brendan McMahan, Erik Meijer, Ioannis Mitliagkas, Rajat Monga, Derek Murray, Kunle Olukotun, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Gennady Pekhimenko, Theodoros Rekatsinas, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Christopher Ré, Christopher De Sa, Hanie Sedghi, Siddhartha Sen, Virginia Smith, Alex Smola, Dawn Song, Evan Sparks, Ion Stoica, Vivienne Sze, Madeleine Udell, Joaquin Vanschoren, Shivaram Venkataraman, Rashmi Vinayak, Markus Weimer, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Eric Xing, Matei Zaharia, Ce Zhang, Ameet Talwalkar
Machine learning (ML) techniques are enjoying rapidly increasing adoption.
no code implementations • NAACL 2018 • Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Charles Elkan
In task-oriented dialog, agents need to generate both fluent natural language responses and correct external actions like database queries and updates.
no code implementations • 11 Apr 2018 • Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Charles Elkan
We show how to combine nearest neighbor and Seq2Seq methods in a hybrid model, where nearest neighbor is used to generate fluent responses and Seq2Seq type models ensure dialog coherency and generate accurate external actions.
no code implementations • 7 Dec 2017 • Li Zhou, Kevin Small, Oleg Rokhlenko, Charles Elkan
Learning a goal-oriented dialog policy is generally performed offline with supervised learning algorithms or online with reinforcement learning (RL).
no code implementations • 4 Jul 2017 • Clifford Champion, Charles Elkan
This paper addresses the challenge of viewing and navigating Bayesian networks as their structural size and complexity grow.
no code implementations • 17 Feb 2017 • Nathan Ng, Rodney A Gabriel, Julian McAuley, Charles Elkan, Zachary C. Lipton
Scheduling surgeries is a challenging task due to the fundamental uncertainty of the clinical environment, as well as the risks and costs associated with under- and over-booking.
no code implementations • 11 Nov 2015 • Zachary C. Lipton, David C. Kale, Charles Elkan, Randall Wetzel
We present the first study to empirically evaluate the ability of LSTMs to recognize patterns in multivariate time series of clinical measurements.
3 code implementations • 29 May 2015 • Zachary C. Lipton, John Berkowitz, Charles Elkan
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are connectionist models that capture the dynamics of sequences via cycles in the network of nodes.
no code implementations • 24 May 2015 • Zachary C. Lipton, Charles Elkan
This paper provides closed-form updates for the popular squared norm $\ell^2_2$ and elastic net regularizers.
no code implementations • 24 Dec 2014 • Zhanglong Ji, Zachary C. Lipton, Charles Elkan
The objective of machine learning is to extract useful information from data, while privacy is preserved by concealing information.
1 code implementation • 8 Feb 2014 • Zachary Chase Lipton, Charles Elkan, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy
As another special case, if the classifier is completely uninformative, then the optimal behavior is to classify all examples as positive.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2003 • Greg Hamerly, Charles Elkan
The G-means algorithm is based on a statistical test for the hypothesis that a subset of data follows a Gaussian distribution.